WARNING! This email may insult some person(s) and whoever doesn't like it, can KISS IT.

Aug 15, 2002 02:19

Let me get something straight here. If you read my journal, my friend's journals, or any journal for that matter, obviously you have an interest in what they have to say. I'm tired of people being insulted because they speak their minds. If anyone has a problem with something I or any of my friends write, then get a facking life and stop reading about ours. Leave my Grny the fack alone and let her speak her mind, damnit!

P.S. Leave duckii alone, too. Geeeeeeeeze!

Ok, i'm done. Anyway, you cannot believe how exhausted I am. My bf is taking his Real Estate exam on Friday and i've been helping him study like crazy. I'm talking about, i've been reading the questions out loud to him. The damn book is like 24 chapters long. Yesterday, we started like at 8 and stopped at like 1:45 a.m. only b/c I had to be home at 2. Today was the same thing. We started like at 9 and stopped at 12:45 b/c my bf was falling asleep and I felt so bad for him that I just woke him, gave him a kiss nite nite and told him to take me home really quick. I live 1 minute away from my bf driving. 3 minutes walking. This has it's advantages. ::evil grin:: Ok, i'm done yapping about my life...lol Nite nite lovies.
<333 ::waves::

CuKee <3s Richie and her friends
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