Aug 07, 2005 03:30
So I've been a little slack at real updates lately. SORRY! My life is rather boring and I haven't particularly needed to vent so I've been good. Anyways, to catch you up to date, I did a lot (I guess) in the classroom Friday and it's looking okay. I'm not ready for Tuesday (much less Monday) but I guess it's ready for parents to see IF they have to. I'm a little upset that I wasted an entire hour driving to and from Greenville to get trees (because I wanted them laminated BEFORE the weekend) and when I got back the laminator was out of film. I was NOT pleased. My mommy came and dropped off some stuff for me and I finished up most of my ME wall. I know, impressive.
Ashleigh came down last night but the night was a waste. We ate dinner out at TGIFridays and then we came back home. We thought about going out with Michael or Mark but Ash fell asleep on my floor and Susie and I were not motivated enough. So yes, we did nothing. I was fine with that...I actually fell asleep on the futon around 12:00 anyway. These long work days at school are killer!!
Today I had to go meet Mom, Nana, and Renee to buy a carpet remnant in Spartanburg. They dropped off MORE stuff for the classroom and then we went to lunch and to the mall. I have the greatest most generous family ever. I don't think I could make it without them! :)
After arriving home around 5:30 I did a little nothing, Susie and I fell asleep on my bed talking and woke up about 30 minutes later. We cooked dinner in (and it was really good!!) and just had a little gin and limeade (I miss WillyP) and then watched TV. Yet another lowkey night that I didn't mind. I wish I had made myself write some letters for parents or decided on management or anything but I haven't....
Mom, Nana, and Renee were discussing how I had changed already. I don't like to admit that I've changed. I wonder if I have or if it's just a lazy stage. I don't have the desire to go out, but is it because I don't know people here or is it because I'm different? I guess I need some more time in Clemson to test the theories! Hahah...nice thought. The last time I went to Clemson I didn't even go out and only had 2 drinks at most. Eh . . .I'm not complaining! ;)
Nighty guys.
(By the the song: it's good!)