Jul 26, 2006 23:08
I actually went to the school and got some work done today! Nana came up to help me and together we placed all of the furniture. I still need to go buy more materials (like a calendar, birthday chart, etc) and laminate everything. It seems to be shaping up. And I still have ALL of next week to work on it too so I'm trying not to spaz out about it.
I met the other new kindergarten teacher today: Ms Turner. Annie actually. She is a first year teacher . . . just graduated from PC. She lives in Simpsonville too, which is kinda cool. I've already told Rebecca about her and we might possibly invite her for our Mexican tradition. Not sure if Coggins is up for that now . . . and Susie will be coming from so far away. I hope we can still do it though! I like traditions.
I don't know WHAT I've gotten into, but I have been itching for about a week now! WTF? The bumps are barely noticeable but I'm seriously scratching my skin to pieces! Boo Hiss!
It' s official: I have an assistant! Mr. Adams informed me today that Mrs. Adair had accepted the position. Only probem is that I had their names mixed up! I would rather have Mrs. Moore but I'll live. Either way, this is going to be much better than an outsider. Mrs. Adair told me she felt bad and that she had hoped I'd have someone younger. I told her no worries, I needed someone with experience. Lucky me: She has been a teacher for 20 years prior to this! So she should be super helpful. She wants to come into the classroom to help me out and I think that's a great idea. I'm trying to promise myself that I won't get run over this year! I think I'll try to sit down with her in the beginning and fill her in on all of Mrs. Latimer's habits that really drove my crazy. She doesn't like gossip, but I want her to know what I had to put up with last year and what I DON'T want this year! I figure if I get it all off of my chest before she has a chance to do it I won't have to shyly tell her later what she's done to annoy me. Good idea maybe?
I feel like my life is already over, again. I didn't sleep well last night. I got up and moved around a LOT today. I came home itching and Susie suggested Benadyl (what a novel idea) so I took some and two Flexerils and NOW I'm half dead to the world. So, before 11:30 even I'm turning out the lights for the night. The bad part? I have nothing to do tomorrow except take Tang for shots at 3:30.
Keep your fingers crossed that Mom finds a turtle for my science center!
mr. adams,
mrs. latimer,
mrs. adair,