Jun 25, 2008 13:45
My nine-year-old stepson has been here for the past couple of weeks. There are a few things one quickly forgets when they have teens:
1) There is no such thing as sneaking out quickly with children. I was supposed to be working (hence my need to sneak). I know he can be quick, but OMG if he walked any slower we’d still be in the parking lot!
2) Don’t give them a large chocolate chip cookie to eat in front of the television and actually expect them to be neat. I sucked up all the crumbs this morning.
3) Socks go into a black whole. We aren’t sure exactly where this black whole is, but it must be between his bed and the hamper 5 feet away.
4) If you forget to tell them they did a great job putting their bowl in the dishwasher, odds are the next bowl will be left in the sink.
5) He may be the smallest person in the house, but he sneaks out of bed like a small heard of elephants running away from a mouse.
6) They love to help. Add additional time to everything you do.
7) As soon as you are busy, they are hungry and want something they can’t get by themselves.
8) They tell the funniest stories. I do enjoy that!
9) He’ll be ten soon; double digits as he called it.
10) The hamper of a young child who has played outside half the day smells worse than a teenager’s gym uniform.
I bet all the moms and dads of young children can probably add to this list.