I'm not gonna spoil anyone's fun, BUT I LOVED IT!!! :D
All I will say is that it was dynamic and grown up and they did a fab job...I jumped more than once and I was never bored or even thinking isn't it over yet.
We dressed up and went to the cinema prior to the screening to partake in the arrangements. I posted a lot of piccies at
WoodDragon, go have a look-see. :)
Going to my parents today for dinner, tomorrow I'm jumping a plane bound for Oslo. I have almost one week vacation coming after taking a course on mattresses through work for two days, and I got my return ticket postponed so the fair cost me nothing! Spending two days with Jorunn and one with Emil, then two days in Kristiansand with my former tenant Randi. Will be sooo good to get away from it all! :D
Hope you're having a good sunday sweeties!