Going somewhere...

May 24, 2010 22:48

Times are changing again.

First off, we went to see Robin Hood. We counted eleven heads and 4 of us had dressed up. These 4 were, besides myself, Anna, Hallvard and Tina, his GF. Jørgen was supposed to wear his clothes as well, but obviously he'd forgotten to wash his linen before sewing. His pants shrunk to Hobbit-length which was not so comfortable. We looked grand, didn't bring bows or such cus that would have been such a hazzle, but still. Me and Hallvard lent the guy at the cinema some props for making a Hood-exhibit in a monter, and got a couple of free tickets for it.

So what goes on, you may ask. Not a lot. But something large and heavy is moving. I don't know what caused it. She seems very interested in me, even if I've kept her at arms length. He talks to me. Feels ok and a little unnerving still. Half of us went out for beers after wards, was nice but short. Almost like old times.

Ummm...I made a pretend-armor for the promo-prince at Prince of Persia. Looked good for a PVC piece. Got three free tickets for that. Persia was good entertainment. Jake Gyllenhaal is not so very ugly. ;) Using at least one of the tickets to see Hood once more. Seems a sequel might be planned, I'd like that. :)

We had a meeting at the range on Thursday. Magnus is moving to Trondheim in August to go to Uni, prob for 3 years. Jørgen is moving to New Z in November to be with his GF who's going to Uni there, will be gone for months and doesn't know where they will end up after wards. Hallvard is discussing an apprenticeship with a blacksmith outside of Oslo, and will prob move there with Tina and her kid this fall. I truly hope he gets to follow that dream...he needs it.

So I might have to pick up the reigns again. I don't mind...I think. Don't want it to go to waste, we got so much going if we can find the drive to do it. It's been ok to be there lately. I find it hard to believe that it will ever be as good as it was, even if in a different way. But hey...look at all those twists and turns life took. Who the hell knows.

Some morans had taken the forklift and driven it over and across one of our couches. It's a total wreck. I'm still so pissed with that I don't want to talk about it.

Oh yes and I dated this guy. Nice and lots in common. Poked me on msn as soon as I logged on...for weeks. Met a couple of times, once at his place, cooking dinner. Talked for hours. Then suddenly not. I left him be for a couple of weeks and then asked what's up. Got a tired old excuse of not being ready blablabla. As if I was asking for the moon...really. Don't believe a word of it and don't care. End of story.

Work is busy and fun. Making plans for autumn. LOTS going on in my mind. Me and Sirikit had a photo shoot last week, fun stuff coming. :) Wicy was here for some hours last week too, her great grand-dad died so she was on her way to the funeral. She's coming home in june as well, to work here for a few days. Right now she's in Germany, hammering us with photos of lovely scenery and old villages. :) Looking so much forward to having her here again!

My sister is still down in the dumps something fierceful. Ach...the fears of being alone...the aches of losing your love. I wish I could take her pain away but this too is a thing that will make her stronger in her self. Like all the things I've gone through and picked myself off of the floor...she's gonna learn that she too is strong and she'll manage eventually. Meanwhile I will be there, all she wants and even a little more.

I feel a little bleek, dunno why.
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