bainidhe_sidhe said work is fucking crazy. Maybe she didnt put it that way but heres my work drama.
I go to work today again, with a fever still. Brandy gets sick and goes home and night is dragging and im ready to leave my self. I make 3 sales and i have my keys in my hand ready to jet as soon as they yell "Last call". But instead they make us log out 10 minutes early so they can tell us that theres an important meeting. "Due to the hurricane in Flordia where companies have been evaquated we wont be able to recieve our checks on Monday. Its no ones fault and no one is to get mad because no one can change the weather."
Well guess what fuck bags i have rent that is due. this is NOT the first time our checks have not came in. I find it really funny that a HUGE plant here in town get their checks from the same company and they got their checks. Dont they need to have back up plans for this. I have no gas in my car. I have no food in my house and i have no money to wash clothes. Basicly i am fucked. I am mad because i do not believe that the reason we are not getting our checks is because of the hurricane. I think its becaue our company is running out of money and hiring more and more people.
But what can i do. NOTHING. Im stuck with this job because its the only one that will pay me 8.50 an hour. Even factories dont start you out on that. I AM PISSED.
Why should i work monday if i am not getting paid.
People need to live. People have kids to feed. OHHHH this is bad. THIS IS HORRIBLE>
this is bullshit
done venting. sorry