A friend of mine randomly asked me a question, "So what is your opinion on the organization for transformative works?"
It was met with long silence because for a while, I had to think what it was she was actually asking. I never did follow, so I had to ask what 'transformative works' was.
So she gave me this link:
http://transformativeworks.org/ My brain exploded and had been sent to the gutter. I wasn't going to post anything because I hadn't been around in any fandom for the longest time. Not active. A lurker, yes. I still read but I rarely draw.
I tried to write this seriously but I couldn't. I'd try my best, however.
The first glaring thing from that site was "Preserving the history of fanworks".
There is a thing called SAVE OPTION. Any person can make a new folder in their hard disk, label it with the author/artist's name or site and save the fanwork there.
The following left me speechless:
I had no words. I could only repeat those to the chat window my friend and I were using. In all caps.
I don't live in the US at all and this was my only comment after I picked up my greymatter from the walls and the gutter, "THE ELECTION IS NIGH". In short, there are far more important things to be worried about. Politicizing FANDOM is the last thing any capable person should be pouring resources in.
Speaking of which, I don't want to spend too much time on this either. I just HAD to comment.
So I'll just yank my comment from the IM conversation I had with two others:
Of course I love my fanart. And of course one of the reasons I left LJ is all their copyright wankery and censoring. That's why I HAVE MY OWN SERVER.
Fandom used to be so simple. We're here to entertain ourselves.
Oh, and as for legitimizing fanfics?
The moment there's an actual move for that? I'm going to start printing my favorite fics because I am SURE there will be a global smackdown of copyrights where everything and their grandma will be hunted and pulled off sites with a cease and desist order.
I'm on the side of being able to write and read what you want, but never to legalize fanfics. This time Anne Rice would've been "right all along". It'll be the shame of all fandoms, I swear.
Brought to you by
fandom wank.