Private | Off Network
Slept at the office again, though not entirely due to needing to finish up work. I can't avoid him forever, really. I guess it just made up for the stretch of not being cursed, like make up hours. I thought it was supposed to relieve tensi At least it's done and behind me, now. I have more important things to worry about anyway.
Public | Flagged a Police Message;
This is just a reminder to everyone of the reinstated protection service offered by the police department. Officers will be available for safety escorts through the City for all residents requiring assistance in order to attempt to prevent and lower the violent crime rate. Please use
this number if you'd like to request an escort at no charge. We strongly advocate that citizens take advantage of the system, especially those that find themselves with little to no defense of their own.
Police Filter | Unhackable;
I'd like to welcome a few new members to the force: Rebecca Locke, Kurogane, Derek Morgan, Lee Adama, and Vicki Nelson. Our Special Assault department is beefed up a little now, and we'll have more hands on the Forensics deck as well. Ms. Nelson will be serving on as a consultant, but she's experienced in paranormal activity as well as basic police work. Please make use of the fresh eyes, everyone, make them feel welcome.
[She pauses, a little longer than she means to. Addressing their collective public failure smarts every time she has to, but it's important that she start doing her actual job and administrating. Which means boring paperwork and rules. At least Beckett likes the rules part.]
Because of the Saxon fiasco, we're going to have some changes in protocol as far as arrests and treatment of suspects go. Everyone is expected to read the document amending current policy, located on the shared drive. If you have problems getting the file, send an email to Tech, they'll make sure you get it. [filesend: MEMO_POLICY_20100425.pdf]
Private to Castle | Unhackable;
I think we need to talk.
Public | No flags
[Kate laughs a little before speaking.] Must be Richard Castle curse day or something.
[ooc; Regarding the escort service, players are encouraged to NPC using the service if you'd like but consider it an opportunity for some easy CR and threading and have your character comment to the linked thread to request an escort. Police: feel free to assume policy regards training and different kinds of weapons, as long as they aren't extremely godmodey plz? Stick to tazers, newer kevlar that blocks whatever, etc. Same with protocol changes, handwave/assume the details so long as they aren't ridiculous. Any questions, please IM/PM me! And as always, anything that will affect other characters/players needs to go through a MOD first, thank you!
eta; agh, also tags later FOOD NOW. :3]