Jul 31, 2009 11:33
Yes, they are. (Did sound like Mary Murphey? Didn't mean to)
Can you guess how excited I am? Nope, you can't.
They are coming here to start fresh and change their lives around. I am so proud of them. :) All grown up *tear*
Rochelle and Musiq agreed to do LJ with me! yay!! how awesome is that?
KV refused :( now why would i buy some sex toys from you when you won't even lj w/ me? that's all i'm sayin man.
Melissa and Ade went home yesterday ;( the 2 best dancers. It's very very sad :( :( you see all those sad faces?
Rochelle found a man :) and she didn't settle :) how awesome is that? Very. I think
I'm proud of her.
Okay i'm bouncin i'm bouncin.