Jan 03, 2007 19:44
Age: 15.
Height: 170 cm, 5'7"!
Weight: probably 115 or something. Damn crazy light Japanese kids YOUR BONES ARE HOLLOW.
Medical Info: NORMAL. Maybe broke his arm when he was a kid. NEVER BEEN CRITICALLY HURT. LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.
Eyes: Gold.
Hair: Brown.
Physical traits: Pretty lean and toned, actually, nice~. Tannish skin.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Don't talk to him IN DETAIL about the novels, because... I haven't read them all and I don't wanna be spoiled. |D But other than that go crazy! He's the only guy who knows everything that's going on in his canon so I can't see anything surprising him horribly.
Abilities: NONE. He can PONTIFICATE AT LENGTH in his head.
Notes for the Psychics: You can read his thought-tag lines. |Db
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Just contact me!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Go for it, though if you shove him up against a wall behind a cabin you'd better be sure Haruhi can't see.
Maim/Murder/Death: The one guy that should hopefully never get into a fight! He's got God in his corner to Do Something if he's injured too terribly. It'd be kind of like kicking a snarky puppy anyway. Cause yeah HE'S A NORMAL PERSON. HE WON'T FIGHT. IF SOMEONE TRIES TO KILL HIM, HE'LL FREAK OUT. Oh Kyon my beloved powerless stepchild
Cooking: . . . Probably makes his sister's bento.