Pride & Prejudice mood theme.
(NOTE: This is for paid accounts only. If you have a free account and want to manually insert an image into your entries, go for it.)
1. Download
this zipfile, and then upload the image files to your server/host site. Make sure they retain the original filenames or else this won't work.
2. Go to the
Admin Console, enter this line into the textbox, moodtheme_create "Pride & Prejudice" "mood theme by cuethestrings", and then hit the Execute button. In return, you ought to see the 'Success!' followed by a number. Hold onto that number because you'll need it for the next step.
3. Open up the file entitled admin_code.txt from the zipfile. Replace the XXXX of each line with the number you were given by the admin console. Also, take this time to the generic URL with that of your images. The easiest way of doing this is through Notepad using Edit > Replace. Once you've finished this, copy and paste the entire text file into the Admin Console box. If everything goes well, all of the moods should be listed, along with 'Data Inserted'.
4. Head on over to
Modify Journal and select 'Pride & Prejudice' as your mood icon set. It should be at the very end of the drop-down menu under 'Personal Themes'.
Save changes, and you're done. If you find that you're having any trouble, please comment and I'll see if I can help you out. Also, please credit this journal in your userinfo page so others who might be interested in this theme can find it as well. Thanks!
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