Title: In Which Germany Makes a Sacrifice for Love-or-something-like-that
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Pairing: Germany x Italy
Rating: G
Disclaimer: APH and its characters do not belong to me.
Summary: The most important part of Christmas is-this.
A/N: It’s been forever since I’ve properly visited this fandom, so apologies if this isn’t too great. ALSO APOLOGIES AGAIN FOR THE LATENESS.
Christmas fic gift for
theotherdenise , who requested Germany/Italy fluff
The tree was the most integral part of Christmas, in Germany’s opinion. It was the focal point of the holiday. The symbol of the season. Every year, he strove to make sure his tree was perfect. Even if the only ones to see it were his brother and his dogs, it was the principle of the matter.
And now that Italy was living with him-it wasn’t that he felt some foolish need to impress the man or anything (although maybe he did), it was just that… Well, it was just that he wanted a perfect tree just like he wanted a perfect everything in this new alliance-of-a-different-kind. And while so many things that were romantic in nature left him shaking, he was completely confident in his tree-decorating prowess.
And indeed, this year’s tree was-
“It’s nearly perfect!”
Germany looked sharply at the Italian beside him. “Nearly?”
Italy nodded, looking too happy for Germany to feel properly insulted. He started pulling something out from behind his back-and how long had he been hiding it here?-and he said, “You just need to add these!”
Oh no.
“Italy…you want me to put pasta on my tree…?”
“Pasta garlands!” The man corrected cheerfully, holding up the offensive decorations like they were the most precious things in the world. Still, Germany knew he would have no problem refusing such a ridiculous- “I made them because I know how much this tree means to you, Germany!”
All of the words Germany had on the tip of his tongue promptly retreated back down his throat.
He stood still in conflicted silence as the Italian babbled on about how he’d planned on eating the pasta, really, how it’d been meant to last him the week or maybe just a day, how he’d changed his mind when he saw how into this tree thing Germany was and how it was cute to see him so involved and how he’d wanted to do this so maybe it would make Germany smile because it was really very nice when Germany smiled, in fact it was almost as nice as eating pasta so it all worked out in the end, you see.
He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t. What if someone saw-saw pasta on his supposed-to-be-perfect-but-could-never-ever-be-perfect-with-pasta-on-it-because-that-was-outrageous tree? He would never live it down. No one would remember the beautiful trees from the past years and no one would care about the beautiful trees in the future years; the only tree anyone would ever talk about would be the pasta tree.
But…but Italy was looking at him with an expectant brightness that matched the twinkling Christmas lights. And…and wasn’t he thinking earlier about how much he wanted to please Italy with this tree? So…
“So.” He held back a resigned sigh.
“Ve, Germany-”
“Italy.” He placed his hands on the shorter man’s shoulders and leaned down to hesitantly brush his lips against his forehead. “Give me a hand putting them on.”
It didn’t matter, Germany decided, what anybody said about the perfectly imperfect tree. The most important part of Christmas was truly this-this companionship, this warmth spreading throughout his body, this brilliant smile Italy wore for the rest of the evening.