Title: Poof
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing/Characters: Eiri, Mizuki (Eiri/Shuichi)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.
“And then-poof.”
Mizuki leans back in her chair, feeling exhausted. Like she’s just run a marathon. Or just the read the entire book-the one the author sitting across from her had just described-in one breath. She’s not sure which one would be worse. “Poof?”
“Poof.” Eiri nods twice, once with uncharacteristic hesitance and again, firmly. “They-vanish. Together.”
“Vanish,” Mizuki repeats. “Vanish into what?” The slow shrugging of his shoulders signals a migraine for her. “Into-death, maybe? Some sort of eternal limbo?”
“If you want.” He sounds utterly unconcerned.
She rubs at her temple and sighs. “You’re not being serious with me, are you? You have to finish it.”
Eiri matches her sigh with one of his own, exaggeratedly more dramatic, as he picks up a pack of cigarette off his desk. “I can’t.”
“What do you mean?” She watches, frustration fading away into understanding, as he places a cigarette between his lips and looks thoughtfully at the sticker photo on his lighter.
“I can’t write an unhappy ending.”