August 20, 2007
Monday Movie Night will screen:
Unidentified Flying Objects, (Clarence Greene, 1956, 92 minutes) The first flying saucer documentary produced, by a director noted for his offbeat style and OCD-level concern for accuracy. Filmed in real government radar rooms with the cooperation of the military. Features the well-known incident when US Army jet Red Dog One was tracked and was surrounded by UFOs over Washington DC.
There are only two Mondays left in the Summer series.
Monday Movies will be moving to a more Winter-appropriate venue after next week. If you'd like to be emailed a calendar of the upcoming Fall/Winter schedule once it is available, please send your request to
See movies under the stars as you view some of the finest documentary and educational films salvaged from the 20th century. The show begins at sunset, on the patio of
Mississippi Station in North Portland. Local media historian and author Tom Robinson will introduce this 16mm print from his collection and play it on a vintage projector. See these original films the way they were meant to be seen, on a real projector, on a real screen, and drunk.
Monday Movies at
Mississippi Station3943 North Mississippi Ave.
Portland, OR 97227
Screening begins at sunset (approximately 9:00PM).
This is a free event. Full bar and menu. Rain or shine.
For a complete calendar of upcoming movies, go to