Fic: Discretion is the Better Part of Valour

Jan 05, 2014 14:37

Title: Discretion is the Better Part of Valour
Author: shana
Dedication: To liroa15 because... Just because, okay?
Disclaimer: They do not belong to me. Also, not true. I made it all up.
Pairing:Curtis Lazar/Jonathan Drouin, implied Curtis Lazar/Mason Geertsen/TJ Foster
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1179
A.N: Thanks to liroa15 for the beta

Curtis's smile is firmly in place as they celebrate getting into the semis. A lot of guys don't know quite what to make of their smiling teammate. That's fine with Griffin because watching them circle his friend is pretty funny. And when he was out with a suspension, he needed something to do. Curtis is friendly with all the guys, but he doesn't seem to prefer any of the guys who have shown an interest in hanging all over him.

Griffin's not sure what to tell the guys who ask him about Curtis and if the winger would be interested in starting something for stress relief. Experience says Curtis isn't going to say no to the idea, but no one seems willing to put themselves out there and actually make a play to get in Lazer's pants.

He's sort of disappointed in their follow-through actually. Curtis is the type of guy who deserves the best in any situation. That includes in the room and in his bed.

It's never been an issue before.

He's a little bit surprised when Kerby stops him in the hall to ask if he's seen Curtis since they got back to the hotel because the last time anyone can remember seeing him is on the bus. He honestly can say that he hasn't. He remembers Lazer grinning on the bus, but not much more.

He hasn't seen his teammate in any of the usual places, and Kerbs says Lazer isn't in their room.

He tries sending a text to Lazer first, sticks his head into the lounge to make sure Curtis isn't watching from a corner or waiting for his own turn to play NHL 14 or something.

He's not.

Griffin heading back up to the floor they'd all gotten rooms on when his phone buzzes with an a text from Sam.

Come 2 Jo and Zach's room. Sumthing u gotta c

Lookin for Lazer

Found him. Come on

The Mooseheads guys have a room that's at the end of a hall and a around a couple corners from Lazer and Kerbs's room. He and Sam are in a room somewhere between the two.

Sam's hiding in the little room where they put the ice machine in the hallway before Jo and Zach's room. He's busy making some stupid, frantic hand gestures that make Griffin wonder if Sam's been hit in the head one too many times.

He heads to where his brother is and gives Sam a hard look.

"I don't see Lazer here, just you acting like an idiot. I can see that all off season."

"Shh. Keep your voice down, or they'll hear you." Sam's got an awful whisper. He's not nearly as quiet as he thinks he is.

"Who will hear me?" Griff's got no idea why he's whispering back. This is just Sam being dumb and maybe even trying to pull some sort of prank on him. One he wouldn't put it past the rest of the guys, including Curtis, to be involved in.

"Lazer and Jo. Just look down by Jo's room, but be quiet about it. I don't want them to know we're here."

When he steps out from the ice room and actually looks around the corner, he sees Curtis crowding Jo against the wall by Jo's room and kissing him like they aren't going to need to breathe ever again.

He pulls back and gives Sam a look, one he learned from their Mom. "You've been standing here and watching them the whole time?"

Sam flushes a little. It's obvious this whole thing is affecting him in ways that no big brother should have to think about. Ever. Because really...

"Yeah," Sam mumbles, looking at the ground.

"Get out of here then. I'll deal with our lovebirds over there and remind them anyone could walk by and see. It'll probably go better if you're not here."

He waits until he sees Sam disappear around the other corner in the hallway before he takes a deep breath and tries to casually walk around the corner, acting like he's got a reason to be here.

They aren't kissing anymore when Griffin steps into their hallway and clears his throat. They're still pressed together and flushed in a way that makes it almost impossible not to be able to guess what they were just doing or where it's going.

Maybe a kid wouldn't know, but that's about it. And there aren't too many kids wandering around on this floor.

It's not that he's not happy for Curtis. He is. Curtis can totally get as much action as he wants. As far as Griffin's concerned, Curtis deserves the best of everything because Lazer is an enormous beauty.

He's also pretty sure Jonathan Drouin is the best of the possibilities for the guys with which Lazer could be hooking up. They obviously have good chemistry together on and off the ice, and Jo's got a really sick pair of mitts. Griffin is just not going to think about that anymore.

The one thing Griffin is pretty sure of is that neither one of these two boneheads has actually though about is the possible consequences of getting caught making out in the hallway. Hockey Canada would probably not be thrilled with those headlines, by which Griffin means they'd lose their shit.

Lazer jumps back a little when he notices Griffin, which takes way longer than it should in Griffin's mind, but the guilty look all over his face tells Griffin absolutely everything he needs to know.

Curtis didn't think about this at all. He got too caught up in the situation and the celebration to think, which is exactly what happened with Gertsy and Foss the night they won the Ed Chynoweth Cup.

Curtis is dumb as a bag of pucks when he's thinking with his dick.

"Maybe you should go inside the room if you're going to make out like horny teenagers?" Griffin does his best to keep his voice level, glad Sam didn't see anything more than kissing.

'Cause he's not sure what he'd do if his little brother saw his Oil Kings's teammate's dick.

Drouin flushes a dark red and fumbles for his room key. Griffin can tell that neither one of them expected to get caught, and Curtis at least should know better.

The door finally clicks open and Lazer gives him a questioning look. It could be a lot of questions, but Griffin chooses to ignore them all.

"Go," he mouths, making shooing hand motions.

Curtis gives him a wicked grin and slips inside the door.

Griffin waits for it to close before letting out a sigh and heading back to his room. Now he just has to figure out why Sam stood around and watched like a creeper. First though, he needs to text Kerbs. And maybe warn Zach.

Found Lazer. Bit busy right now

He doesn't have Zach's number, so the goalie is on his own. At least it won't be the first time someone catches Lazer with his pants down.


And that's a wrap.


reinhart, fic, drouin, lazar, hockey fic

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