Aug 24, 2011 00:23
Can you please just get over yourself already? You're free, you will NEVER have to worry about the possibility of marrying someone you don't want so just chill. Instead of airing out your dirty laundry and frustrations, why can't you just enjoy the fact that you got what you want? Stop trying to convince everyone (or yourself?) that you did the right thing. If you'd rather write about things than talking to me about it, then maybe you prefer this forum? Enough with this BS already ok? You made your decision already, now live with it. I'm not gonna "chase" you and I'm certainly not going to get back into a relationship that lacked reciprocity. What happened resulted from mistakes made on both our parts. I still care about you as a friend and I do feel concern for you. If you want to lose that, then just say so now and I'll leave you alone for good. I'd rather support a friend who has my back anyway than someone who doesn't give a damn either way because they can't get past their resentment. I want things to improve between us BUT YOU MUST MEET ME HALFWAY! Whether you feel you made the right/wrong decision does not matter because only a miracle from God will change my mind on anything other than friendship with you. If you got something to say, talk to me, you know my number. You know it only takes a call for us to meet and start a dialogue. I'm willing to put the past behind me and work on what's left of our friendship. I wish I could let this post slide but forgive me, it had to be answered. You're wrong by the way, it is torture to be married to someone who takes more than they give, who doesn't love you with the reciprocity that a relationship should have. To be married to someone who simply runs away when things get hard...that is torture.