Its hard to swallow the fact that this "journey" through University is almost over. I won't say that I'm as happy as I was when the Army phase of my life ended (because I felt like I had regained my freedom from indentured servitude), but I am happy. I wish I could have done better in some of my classes but when you're working 20-35 hours and have a brother who needs support (he is thankfully growing butterfly wings and is ready to fly on his own!) it is hard to fully focus on school. At least I did well in the classes that mattered/interested me and more importantly...I learned a lot from them.
So when I feel like everything is turning surreal, it means that it is hard to fathom the reality that my time here is limited. I take the same walk to class that I've taken the last 2 years, I drive the same streets, see the same mountains every day, feel the same blazing sun on my face....yet I know those sights, sounds and feelings will soon change. Maybe I walk just a little slower to and from school every day just so I can take everything in a little more. Maybe I just drive a little slower too for the same reason. Maybe I cherish the moments I have with my friends and my brother more as well because as much as I don't want to admit it....I have a limited amount of time here. Even walking into a nearly empty apartment (as my brother and I have nearly moved everything out) that I've lived in for 3 years hasn't fully made me realize that my time here is almost done (I sleep on the floor of my room for now because for the time being, it is still mine).
In three weeks I'll be on a plane ready to take me into the next phase of my life. Am I ready? Not fully, but I've made my decision and I am going to stick to it. I'm going to do my best no matter what happens there. I need to keep on studying (because I don't think that a teacher should remain stagnant with what he/she already knows) and remain optimistic even if I get turned down for a job...or two...or three. It may take two or three months till I can find a suitable job, but until then, I need to busy myself with seeing everything Singapore has to offer (the parks especially!!!), gym time (time to get serioussss), study (study till my brains go runny), and maybe slight travel (wallet permitting). Thankfully I know a few people in Singapore who can give me advice about the complexities of Singaporean life, housing, shopping, etc. I still have a lot to learn about being there, as I only scratched the surface of what life is like there when I visited in December of 2010.
Till then, I'll just have to keep on studying Spanish....cause I can't get my degree unless I get past this last obstacle to my academic progress. *long sigh* Push yourself Jeff, because now is the time to start getting serious.
I'll miss you Tucson.