Random Ramble...

Feb 08, 2008 09:31

Urg, I hate it when the first thing I see on my mail account is e-mails from my boss. -.- So far she hasn't been cranky at least but it's just huge crap-potential again and that when finally things have gone nothing but well for about two weeks.
Guess we will see. Can't do anything but hope.

On another topic:
Reading webcomics with some "coming out" plotlines always makes me so glad that I was basically forced to tell my mother that I have a gf. There was no option there, I had to or she would have found out on her own for sure. Knowing me and my troubles with making up my mind about things it might have taken an eternity to decide when/if/how to tell her, had I not been in a situation where there was no choice. (Attention: I'm not saying everybody has to come out. That's the business of every individual on their own and I'm not blaming anybody who doesn't want to come out at all. Personally, I would have wanted to sooner or later anyway and so I'm glad that the decision as to "when" was more or less made for me by the situation.) I'm really glad about that, even if it was the absolutely most horrible experiences connected to my mother that I've had so far (and there was some crap). Still, I know I war rather lucky anyway. At least she didn't ship me off to some "fixing camp" - and not only because that doesn't exist here anyway. She did propose a psychologist however but that's another topic and she couldn't just drag me there since I was 23 (I think) and she couldn't force me into anything.
At least she seems to have gotten to terms with the fact that I'm in a relationship with another girl. What she thinks of that relationship is another topic yet again but that would be exactly the same if I were with a guy. What I really wonder however is, whether she's gotten around the concept of bisexuality by now as the last time I said that I was bi she was all "That doesn't exist. That just means people are confused and have to find out how they really feel yet." -.-
Well, I'm planning on being with my sweetie the rest of my life but were that not the case, it'd be great fun to screw with that opinion and date guys and women equally the rest of my life and being very happy with either of them, thank you very much.

And now on to the laundry like the good little housewife I am! ;P

And for the beauty of it - even though it has nothing to do with what I've been babbling about just before but I don't like to post several entries the day so I'm putting it here - I have to quote Larry Dixon on what he said on the CBR forum. Just want to put it here because it is so true and in case I'd like to quote it (esp. the first two lines) somewhere I can come back here and have the right wording:

I'll also add this, and it should explain to everyone just what my attitude about gender is:

Male: You have a few ounces of dangly flesh between your legs.
Female: You have a few ounces of dangly flesh on your chest.

It is as much a non-issue as Ford versus Chevy, Less Filling versus Tastes Great, skin color versus skin color.

And that is the beginning and end of it, for me. I've been well over gender issues since kindergarten. If your argument for being superior over someone else comes down to: My Dangly Bits Are Different So They're Better, then you're a fuckwit. It doesn't hold. There is no sense to it. That's it. Comics creator, prime minister, pope or popstar. Period.

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