I want raclette!!!
Have had this utter, insane, nagging craving for raclette since about Wednesday or Thursday last week... Waaaaaaant! *whines* At least we'll get some on Sunday. Bet I won't feel like eating it anymore by then. ;)
Other than the raclette-obsession: Yay! Job interview on Friday! :D - It's much nicer going there with already having a job and not really relying on getting that new one. Even if it would be absolutely lovely to be able to resign this one. So I'm looking forward to Friday, granted, of course, that I survive that goddamn presentation for nordistic on Thursday. O.o *hides*
Talking about jobs, I'll better get me back to work now so I'm done soon and can sneak off before the boss is back.
Also must remember to print out certain bad-fics so my sweetie and me have some random amusement. Btw,
azelmaroark in case you're reading this: I bet you could guess the author of said bad-fics. ;p