Heya! We postponed this for a little bit so people would have more time to guess, but it is now the time to reveal all. We'll have a couple straggler fics and things coming in later, but the majority of the ficathon is DONE. Done, done, done. All authors/creators are now free to post their things in their own LJs if they want, and reply to the lovely comments and guesses left in
Recipient / Received / From
_mixed_media_ - fic -
Everything Is As [Brian/Emmett] - from
pandoraiamandtheafterglow - fic -
anachronism [Cody/Justin] - from
passionflowsbuffyfan9005 -
graphics [Ben/Brian] - from
paddiesburnitbackwards - fic -
Today I Woke Up Uncertain [Justin/Cody] - from
zeldachildscarr0ts1979 -
graphics - [Brian(/sexiness)] - from
galeenadawnydiesel -
graphics [Ben/Michael, Drew/Emmett] - from
stellarleedtkokoro - vid -
Watching You [Justin/Ted] - from
theladyingreenedenmalfoy - fic -
Periphery [Daphne/Justin] - from
redbrickroseeleveninches -
graphics [Brian/Emmett, Ted/fic!wife] - from
quinn222galeena - fic -
No Where to Go [Brian & Debbie] - from
edenmalfoyhopper_ho - fic -
Fluke? [Hunter/Daphne] - from
dtkokorojasperq - fic -
New Beginnings [Justin/Emmett] - from
kishijotenkishijoten - fic -
Pretend [Michael/Justin] - from
hopper_hokyleschick - placeholder -
icon [Justin/Michael] - (
see this post) - placeholder volunteer
pumpulardencelover - fic -
My place (lines that I couldn’t change) [Brian/Justin/Michael] - from
spaggelluciblue - fic -
After All [Brian/Lindsay] - from
andtheafterglowluckycharm_13 - fic -
Like Incest [Michael/Justin] - from
soundczechmcfeste - fic -
Mr. Right [Emmett/George] - from
nightsistermi_nion - fic -
Rebound [Brian/Emmett] - from
vedaprophetmojokitten - fic -
The Book of Right-On [Brian/Vance] - from
sweetestdrainnightsister - fic -
Shiver [Ben/Michael] - from
lardenceloverou_topos - fic -
I Need a Lover That Won't Drive Me Crazy [Ted/Emmett] - from
eleveninchespaddies - fic -
The New Black [Brian/Jennifer (friendship)] - from
mojokitten pandoraiam - fic -
Tick (Part 1 of 3) [Brian/Withheld] - from
mcfesteparaka - placeholder (shared):
fic + manip - Express Ticket [Brian/Vic, Michael/Justin] (
see this post) - placeholder volunteers
sweetestdrain (graphic) and
moonwind_rising (fic)
passionflows - placeholder -
icons [Brian/Lindsay] - (
see this post) - placeholder volunteer
pumpupluvial_poetry - fic -
Learned [Brian/Ted] - from
rivulet027quinn222 - fic -
When in Rio [Brian/Emmett/Justin] - from
twistinside82redbrickrose - fic -
The Things We Do For Revenge [Stockwell/Vance] - from
stevenghostrivulet027 - fic -
Lessons in Life [Hunter/Jason Kemp] - from
seedyapartment - fic -
Segue [Brian/Ethan] - from
tick_ticksogay - placeholder (shared):
fic + manip - Express Ticket [Brian/Vic, Michael/Justin] (
see this post) - from placeholder volunteers
sweetestdrain (graphic) and
moonwind_rising (fic)
soundczech - fic -
immortality blueprint [Brian/Cody] - from
burnitbackwardsspaggel -
graphics [Molly/Gus] - from
sogaystellarlee -
graphics [Michael/Justin, Emmett/Justin, Brian/Ted] - from
kyleschickstevenghost - fic -
I Wish I Was Your Lover [Brian/Ben] - from
buffyfan9005sweetestdrain - vid -
Add It Up [Hunter(/others)] - from
carr0ts1979theladyingreen -
graphics [Michael/Justin, Justin/Hobbs, Ted/Blake] - from
luckycharm_13tick_tick - fic -
Gone [Justin/Emmett] - from
triciaqaftriciaqaf - fic -
The Fabulous Life of Justin Taylor [Brian/Connor James] - from
zoisite84twistinside82 -
graphics [Ben/Michael] - from
dawnydieselvedaprophet - fic -
Picking Up The Pieces [Brian/Melanie] - from
lucibluezeldachilds - fic -
Jim Stockwell is not a Fudgepacker [Justin/Stockwell] - from
ou_toposzoisite84 - fic -
Discovery [Ben/Justin] - from
jasperq Bonus:
graphics [Michael/Ted, Michael/Justin, Michael/Emmett, Michael/Gus] - from
_mixed_media_ Also, just for the hell of it - If you want, you are very much encouraged to post reactions to the reveal. :D It can run the gamut from "OMG I KNEW IT WAS (YOU) ALL ALONG" to "(You)?!? Seriously? I never suspected (you) of writing such explicitly kinky sex!" Et cetera. ;))
Thanks again for participating, everyone. It's been amazing! Seriously, really fab. Oh my god, we may need consoling now.
sweetestdrain and
moonwind_rising P.S. If somehow we screwed up on any of this, you know the drill!