possible end-of-season spoiler

Apr 24, 2009 19:20

Don't read if you're faint of heart ;-)

OK, let's dissect Ausiello's cryptic words.

"A major female character on a popular and highly rated hour-long drama series will learn that she's pregnant next month." - this fits Cuddy and the final episode of the season

"This is far from a happy occasion. You see, the expectant mom will be none too thrilled to find herself with child. For starters, the timing couldn't be worse -- both professionally and personally." - Cuddy already has 3 "babies": Rachel, the hospital and House; being pregnant on top of that would possibly be too much; if Huddy becomes common knowledge by the final ep, then the Hospital Board may want to discuss ousting either Cuddy or House = her career in jeopardy; the Huddy may also be very incipient, they may not have really connected emotionally yet, only physically, so a baby would force things at lightning speed and we all know how much House hates change

"And then there's the baby daddy. He's been, um, going through some stuff lately. Personal stuff. The kind of stuff only a psychologist and/or a surgeon can fix. A kid is an extra dose of crazy he probably doesn't need right now either." - House is seeing hallucinations, may end up being institutionalized or something like that: him becoming a father would always be hard psychologically (screwed up relationship with his own dad) but now might be too much; so a psychologist is definitely in his near future, a surgeon may be needed if they find that the hallucinations etc. are caused by, say, a tumor in his brain

"On the other hand, maybe a new life is exactly the kind of game-changing event these two do need. As the saying goes, good things come in initially small packages." - once over the initial shock, this may just snap him out of his funk and do Cuddy a lot of good too; maybe the conflict boss-employee can be solved after all

"Of course, there's an added wrinkle I have yet to mention. The bun in her oven? It may have company." - this doesn't necessarily have to mean twins, it could also be Cameron who's pregnant too (or even Thirteen)

Crazy idea: the dress Lisa Edelstein was wearing today at a fashion event in Tokyo ( thanks, m_ouse) was hiding her body more than usual... you would almost wonder if she isn't preggers in real life too?? Hmm... Naah?

huddy, lisa e, cameron, cuddy, thirteen, spoiler, rachel, house

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