The Good Wife spoiler

Aug 15, 2011 22:13

Spoiler from

Dee: I need some Will and Alicia hotness to look forward to on The Good Wife. Please tell me I won't be disappointed? Edelstein's got me scurred!
Alan Cumming didn't tell us much regarding Lisa Edelstein's new character, but we'll give you all we have. "She's playing the tutor," he says. "When I read [the script] you can tell something really great is going to happen with that character." So, would he think it's great if she gets between Will (Josh Charles) and Alicia (Julianna Margulies)? While you mull that over, let's give you a bit of scoop on Eli Gold. "At the end of the last season I had that little romance with America Ferrara's character. He has an ex wife, he has a daughter, all these things suddenly started coming-children coming out of the woodwork," Cumming recaps for us. "In this season [we] are going to find out more stuff about his personal life as well as his driven political life. That's exciting for me. And also about his religion. The very first episode I did when I was just a guest star, they mentioned I was a concert pianist. So I'm like, 'Come on. Let's do it.' He was a concert pianist in his past! I think that's hilarious."

josh ch, eli, lisa e, alan c, will, the good wife, alicia, celeste, julianna m

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