Interview with new writer K. Lingenfelter

Feb 24, 2011 17:10

Barbara Barnett: "I had the opportunity earlier this week to catch up with new House, M.D. scribe Katherine Lingenfelter. Katherine wrote the episode 'You Must Remember This' ..." (full article)

SpOiLeRs about 7x12 and season 7 in general

What’s your take on House and Cuddy’s relationship?
That is a very loaded question. I think they are very similar in a lot of ways, Cuddy and House. I think Cuddy is aware of what House is capable-and his little tricks and defense mechanisms-but also his humanity. She has seen flashes of his humanity [along with] his brilliance. And if it’s going to work for House romantically, Cuddy would be the one. She knows him as well as anyone could as a romantic partner. And that’s bringing out his trust [in her], which is, I think, one of his most protected emotions. He does not naturally come by trust. So she is nurturing that and bringing that out in him in a really lovely way.
What I was trying to show in that first scene (in “You Must Remember This) arguing about Wilson and his dating situation is House’s belief that he knows Wilson better than Cuddy. And Cuddy may think, “Oh, the cat’s a good idea, and it’s nothing to worry about; it’s a good way for Wilson to heal. And House’s point of view is, “You don’t know him at all. I know [that the cat] is a warning sign. This is going to lead to trouble.” But Cuddy stays out of it; and, of course, House meddles in Wilson’s life. And then I think, in my mind, House eventually takes Cuddy’s advice. He tempers his natural meddling disposition and accepts that maybe [owning the cat] is what Wilson needs, and steps back. Cuddy gave him the room to figure that out. So I think that’s what’s nice about what the writers have done with this relationship. They’ve cast this as an adult relationship. There are a lot of series [in which] they get people together, but then resort to kind of juvenile antics and problems in the relationship just to create conflict. And that’s not what this relationship is about for either character. (Read more)

I would agree with that: you guys have created something that is (within House’s universe, anyway) very realistic about House and Cuddy’s relationship. There was one episode this season for example, where they had an argument (“Small Sacrifices”), but they were supposed to attend a wedding together. And even in the midst of the argument, she expects him to accompany her to a pre-nuptial dinner. They’re heatedly arguing while he’s zipping up her dress without missing a beat just like they’re an old married couple. They’re still doing “couple” things while they’re arguing.
I think that they’re in that kind of relationship where it doesn’t all hang on one fight. It’s not like, “Oh, we’re going to fight and then it’s going to be over.” When you are in a relationship with somebody like House, there are going to be a lot of fights. I think it’s great for him to be able to have conflict with her and see that it doesn’t scare her off, that she’s not going anywhere. And it’s a great way to reinforce these lessons that he’s struggling with personally, of testing people, of testing himself-and opening up. Which is difficult, because the character that everybody fell in love with was this cantankerous, suspicious, isolated individual who was always on the outside.
I think that those of us who have watched the series a long time know also that he’s always had that great capacity for love-and even sappy romance. We’ve seen it with especially with Stacy at the end of season one and into season two, and also with Cameron.
So what’s ahead for the series and the characters’ stories?
House and Cuddy’s relationship will go through several more tests. The writers really want to explore more of what the relationship can sustain, what personally they can go through. (Read more)

These were the Huddy-intensive passages. You should however read the whole interview: lots of interesting stuff, much more than just a few cryptic hints-yes, I'm looking at you, Yataines!

huddy, 7x11, cameron, cuddy, spoiler, yaitanes, season 7, hameron, house

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