I just watched the latest House MD episode: it was great. I liked how House and Cuddy stayed true to their character even though their relationship is changing them. At its best, House MD strikes in a precarious balance between cliché and reality, between melodrama and real, meaningful story lines. This episode was another example. The family drama was resolved in a good way that was still unexpected. Cuddy stood up to her mom but also showed she now understood where her mom was coming from and vice versa. It's called growth and it's a good thing. A seemingly hopeless, messy situation led to a hopeful, positive outcome in a believable way. I remember some of the cynicism that at times (season 6...) permeated the characters on the show: nice to see things work out for a change. House and Cuddy are very hard on themselves and push each other like nobody else can. They fight, mesh, skirmish, compromise: they can be so good for each other. They form a passionate and noisy couple, pushing and pulling, complementing and challenging each other. Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie's fantastic acting cannot be praised enough. Candice Bergen also hit another one out of the ballpark-here's hoping we'll see her back.
Poor Masters is learning the hard way how tough and demanding the real world can be but she'll come out of this internship a much better doctor. Amber Tamblyn did a great job. Taub, ah Taub: pathetic, brave, conflicted Taub. He is like a figure out of Greek mythology for whom happiness or even contentment is always around the next corner. By the way, did you notice that Wilson was absent this time: I don't think that has happened a lot, hasn't it? I also liked the photography of this episode, e.g., House and Cuddy in her office sparsely lit while rain is pouring outside the window, I'm sure there is a lot more that I can't think of right now. I'm off to the online reviews and discussions to share my enjoyment and gain more insights. Good times! One more thing: I'm not made of stone so the opening scene with Cuddy trying on clothes was fun to watch ;-)