5x21 Saviors

Apr 13, 2009 22:17

Obviously, don't read if you're waiting to see this latest ep without spoilers  :-)  Just a few thoughts after watching tonight's episode.
First of all, House doesn't discard meaningful relationships offhand anymore:
  • He doesn't belittle Cameron's feelings after she confesses;
  • He tries to protect the clinic patient's marriage by avoiding the explanation for her illness;
  • He figures out that Cuddy is worried about their relationship and doesn't really use it to make fun of her ( he doesn't seek her out to "torture" her afterwards);
  • He seems almost sorry that the patient-of-the-week is too stubborn and misguided to value his marriage and his son above his cause.
This seems to point at him having learned a thing or two from the Kutner suicide. This doesn't mean that he has fundamentally changed at all, just that he is acknowledging that side of himself a bit more. Finally reconciling for real with Wilson also fits into this. Still, at the very end he's slipping into his selfmade isolation/weirdness again: he sees the ghost of Amber. Temporary setback? I hope so.

As usual, the promos were misleading: Hameron didn't happen, on the contrary, the issue was finally "exorcised." Cuddy's poorly-hidden feelings for House however were very much confirmed. Heck, the conversation at the clinic room's door was almost something that a couple could have. Jealousy, yes, but also trust: Cuddy took House's word for it that Cameron was not after him. It doesn't contradict either the theory that some fans have that House and Cuddy are actually already together, just offscreen. I still think that's a little too cute by half though. As a Huddy, I of course am not too happy that we only got to see one scene with House and Cuddy interacting or that there was only one extra, short scene with Cuddy in it besides the promos. Was it just me or shouldn't House have gotten permission for that total irradiation treatment he wanted to perform? maybe this was cut? (fingers crossed)

amber, cameron, cuddy, kutner, spoiler, 5x20, house, promo, 5x21, video

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