new PMC Magazine interview

Dec 31, 2010 03:22

The new Patrick McMullan magazine PMC has an interview with Lisa E in its inaugural issue (January 2011). A few excerpts and photos:

Lisa Edelstein: I think the average person stays at the same job a hell of a lot longer than we do in this industry. Normally we are in and out of there in a few days or weeks…maybe months if you’re lucky or at most, and most rarely a year or two. Seven years and counting is practically unheard of. This show hopping makes for a bit of a traveling carnival type social atmosphere, with short, intense friendships and relationships that are over when the gig is up. So being together for all this time has been an incredible treat.  What makes it even more special is the people themselves. We are staffed by incredibly funny, twisted, smart writers. The actors I get to work with are remarkably talented and hard working. I could have been stuck on a dumb show with nightmare drama queens but instead I landed my dream job.
LE: If Wilson is House’s conscience, then Cuddy is his boundary maker.
LE: Well, first of all, it’s a show about Dr. House who, brilliant as he is, really struggles though life. I think this storyline is just an extension of that. The tension between him and Cuddy has been kicked around for quite sometime and I think it would get tiresome if it didn’t change. And perhaps change again. There are no happy endings on this show.  Just long, slow, interesting and disastrous bleeds.
TM: ... You’re a very talented actress who has only recently really started to get the accolades you deserve-where do you see your career heading over the next few years?
LE: Thanks for that. Right now I’m starting to look into projects that I’d like to produce as well as be in. I haven’t done that since my play, 8 billion years ago, and it’s really a pleasure. I look forward to having the ability to hire people and to being a part of a project from the very beginning.
LE: Actually, when my job permits I’m still a bit bi-coastal. I really need the NYC fix, just walking to the bodega down the street from my apartment makes me happy, running into old friends, days unfolding in ways I didn’t expect… Life is much more fluid there.  But LA has been good to me, I have a great career and a beautiful home. There are amazing things to see in LA if you are willing to fight traffic. Having both though, that’s the life. I’m so happy about it.
LE: No, I was a kid, having a blast, living out a great moment in downtown Manhattan. The thing I really miss is the mixture of people we used to see, it wasn’t a money or celebrity oriented culture. It created it’s own establishment, filled with the weirdest and most wonderful. I’m not sure there’s a place for that anymore. Cities, well most of them, don’t hold the kind of secrets they used to. Culture is immediate and immediately international because of the web, so there are fewer microcosms to discover. You have to really be willing to dig.

huddy, photo, lisa e, cuddy, house

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