Russian cartoons

Dec 08, 2010 13:55

On the Russian fan site, a set of House cartoons have been posted. They look like they might be funny/interesting. However, my Russian doesn't go much beyond being able to read "House" in Cyrillic script (Xayc). Can someone translate the text balloons? Or maybe ask someone they know? Thanks!

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cartoon, russian

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Comments 2

ppistachio December 9 2010, 04:19:59 UTC
LOL! I'll try to help but my english is weird... ))

If House could be a detective.

House: It's clear. It was done by her husband.
Black bird: But what about proofs?
House: Proofs are for pushovers. Getting husband to prison is more effective.
Two white birds: Should we tell him that she was not merried?


cuddylicious December 9 2010, 07:59:13 UTC
Thanks!! I suppose the black bird (penguin?) must be Foreman while the other 2 are Chase and Cameron? How about the other cartoons on the same page?


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