Lisa E gets asked a funny question

Oct 24, 2010 00:56

In a new interview (thanks,  mel35 !), Lisa E gets asked about the actress playing her mom, we learn that she often buys lunch for the TV crew in order to provide a healthier alternative than what is routinely provided, she admits that she was happy to act in a few Lifetime movies but never watches them herself, etc. Unfortunately, a few fans got their knickers in a bunch because of this exchange:

"Q: Are you friends with Hugh's wife?
A: Jo doesn't live here so I don't see her very often. I don't think she's worried about me. As much as it seems that I'm his 'American wife,' he's working 14 hours a day and I just pop in and do my scenes. I barely see the man."
Okay... let's all take a deep breath. Silly question, answered to the point. Over and done with. Almost nobody cares about that Huli theory anyway. Remember, we are not the general audience of House MD. Sexist? Bah... not really the big reason. He loves dogs on a TV show, journalists ask about the actor's dogs. She plays guitar on TV, does she actually play for real too? They play a couple on TV, they ask if they're friends off camera too. Answers to that question by any TV actor are always, "sure, we're friends, we're friends with all cast members." After all, if there actually was something going on (say, 5% of all TV couples-about the same occurrence probably as with "work couples"), they're not going to volunteer that information. It's all wrapped up in the confusion that naturally occurs when good actors portray a couple on TV and come in our living room almost weekly for years. We subconsciously feel like we know them, the characters, they're almost family in a way, so we gossip about 'em like we do about real-life friends and family. Actors and characters meld together in our mind, it's almost a prerequisite for TV show success. To them, it's a job; to us viewers it's a weekly catching up with friends. Everybody, actors and viewers, should just relax and enjoy the fun of making/viewing a good show.

huddy, lisa e, cuddy, huli, house, jo l, hugh l, dog

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