7x02 Selfish, and the Ides of March?

Oct 01, 2010 00:36


This was another great episode, with a good case and well-done further development of Huddy. House bending over backwards to Cuddy at work? Impossible, you say? Don't forget that we've never seen him being cavalier about his relationships, the real ones, not the probably-exaggerated-anyway hookers and the like. Remember his relapse with Stacy? Even the relationship with the woman he met at the asylum (6x01) was one he wanted to continue but she called off. Yes, he didn't know what to do, nor did Cuddy, but eventually they figured it out: work is work, and private is private. Antagonism at work makes them do a better job, at home it's a different story... and do I need to repeat it: GOOD FOR THEM! When they're alone, there's no mystery: they know and love each other, have for long years. House is still House, mischievous, witty, a rascal, and Cuddy is still all heart and knowledge, knowledge of the child man that is House. They fascinate each other. Their love-making is real, felt through and through: beautiful.

Which makes it all the more troubling that the signs that House & Cuddy won't be together anymore by the end of the season are growing stronger. Ides of March, possibly? Or season finale break-up? There are good signs too though but not automatically for them lasting as a couple for the whole season.

  • Hugh Laurie called the relationship doomed in an interview a while back-I thought it was on the go-cart set of next week's episode 7x03 but I can't locate it anywhere, sorry;
  • Twitter: "@magMaxi: @GregYaitanes LE: 'we know the relationship continues through a good part of the season?' Not good for #Huddy fans. Why not all season? - @GregYaitanes: @magMaxi all good things." (Sep. 29)
Pro or in doubt
  • In an August ET interview on the set of next week's episode 7x03, Lisa Edelstein said that "It's fun to have the relationship and then screw it up" which doesn't necessarily mean more than fights that are then resolved but isn't clear either;
  • Ausiello wrote in July: "Clearly this can mean only one thing: The relationship is doomed, right? 'I don’t think [so], necessarily,' Hugh Laurie tells me. 'But let’s face it, neither of these characters has a clean license. Buckle up,' he adds, 'would be my advice.'"
Look at the timeline of these examples... Conclusion: Yaitanes' words are the most recent and have the most weight and are anti them lasting as a couple for the whole season. However, I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB are still gaming it all: they probably have access to polled audience reactions of some kind and that could very well change their minds, both for good or for bad. Fan-community noise is just that: noise. They know it's not representative for the full viewership. They care about their job, their livelihood first. Story-telling, art come second and who are we to judge them? Of course there is also this time lag between filming and broadcasting which limits their ability to change direction. They can and do on occasion re-shoot or edit creatively up till close to the broadcast date but that is expensive and logistically difficult.

huddy, 7x22, 6x01, lisa e, cuddy, spoiler, yaitanes, season 7, house, asylum, 7x03, 7x02, hugh l, stacy

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