7x01 Now What?

Sep 22, 2010 15:18

how far along have you planned this house/cuddy storyline? are you allowed to tell?
by gc at 7:09 PM Sep 20, 2010

we mapped it out for most of this season - beyond that, can't tell - except we're having fun
by davidshore at 7:10 PM Sep 20, 2010

I read this to mean that they're most likely together as a a couple for the whole 7th season but the finale might be dangerous (depending on ratings, I assume)

i see hugh laurie has an exec. producer credit. how long's he been doing that?
by gc at 7:10 PM Sep 20, 2010

couple years - he actually had it for awhile before he'd let us actually put it on screen - he felt uncomfortable about it - but he's earned it
by davidshore at 7:11 PM Sep 20, 2010

nice to hear and as we would expect from Hugh

Were Hugh and Lisa excited about where their character's relationship was going?
by Alexis_Rueal at 7:15 PM Sep 20, 2010

yes, they were - they also don't really know
by davidshore at 7:15 PM Sep 20, 2010

so when Hugh said in the recent EW interview that Huddy is doomed... he really doesn't know. I think it's basically House talking here. This happens frequently: when interviewed, actors slip back and forth between answering as the actor or as the character...

I am highly confident that the show will go for at least an 8th season - beyond that, lots of contractual issues (which could be resolved but they're out there)
by davidshore at 7:19 PM Sep 20, 2010

probably means that $ issues are settled through season 8 but then up for re-negotiation again, esp. Hugh Laurie's who gets a huge amount of $. They'll have to weigh costs vs. ratings/ad income.

I wanna see a house episode with a stigmata in it , where its house against the devil, and or evil forces .
by Andreas at 7:25 PM Sep 20, 2010

huh? the crazies are coming out of the woodwork...

@davidshore y did u decide to make a medical drama when there are so many already such as general hospital, greys antatomy [sic] etc.?
by matt at 7:27 PM Sep 20, 2010

I decided this was a different enough med show since it's really about people, not medicine
by davidshore at 7:28 PM Sep 20, 2010

the answer to the Huddy haters

IS HUGH's sense of humor the same in person as he portrays on the show???
by rjsamps at 7:29 PM Sep 20, 2010

Hugh has a similar sense of humor to the character (and to me - which is delightful for me)
by davidshore at 7:30 PM Sep 20, 2010

as if there were any doubt... ;-)

Hello from Montreal! I'll be turning 40 this coming November and to celebrate I would love to be a part of the show...any chance this could happen?
by MJ at 7:29 PM Sep 20, 2010

to the guy from Montreal who wants to be in the show - no problem as long as you're already famous
by davidshore at 7:30 PM Sep 20, 2010

illustration of the above statement that Shore shares House's sense of humor

Why did you decide to make House American? Must be a challenge for Hugh to keep that accent up for hours at a time... were you ever tempted to change House to British after signing Hugh?
by Alexis_Rueal at 7:35 PM Sep 20, 2010

made him american because wrote him before he was cast - then didn't change him because I knew he was different and didn't want people to dismiss his differences as something "foreign" (from US point of view)
by davidshore at 7:36 PM Sep 20, 2010

Shore makes a good point here

@davidshore Where is Rachel during all of this?
by Peewee0910 at 7:39 PM Sep 20, 2010

her [Cuddy's] mom is watching her - pretty sure that was mentioned quickly
by davidshore at 7:40 PM Sep 20, 2010

Candice Bergen! very happy about that perfect choice

Will Stephen Fry be guest starring this season?
by farz at 7:43 PM Sep 20, 2010

how about having him on to spar with House, as a patient, Mr. Gordon Gordon Wyatt, the psychiatrist/chef from Bones? after all, Washington, DC and Princeton aren't that far from each other, right?

So House is from Dutch decent [sic], (episode one day, one room) why Dutch?
by Eve at 7:48 PM Sep 20, 2010

dutch decent [sic]? probably because I have a friend of dutch decent [sic] - he also might ahve been lying
by davidshore at 7:49 PM Sep 20, 2010

didn't he call his grandma "oma" which is the Dutch term?

huddy, lisa e, stephen f, season 7, rachel, bones, dutch, cuddy, spoiler, shore, house, canada, candice b, hugh l, 7x01, ilobeyou

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