So House M.D. co-executive producer Greg Yaitanes has said on his Twitter that the '80s party dance of House and Cuddy (ep. 6x07) will be to "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. Am I the only one to find this choice kind of ironic? The TV show Bones used that song too to great effect (Brennan singing karaoke to it while Booth catches the bullet meant for her; Cyndi Lauper actually guest starring this season because she loved that they used her song earlier). And Bones is what I'm starting to prefer more and more instead of House M.D. because the latter has just gotten too complicated, dark and confusing beyond belief while on Bones they succeed in keeping a better balance between dark and light, serious and sweet/fun. On Bones, they also seem to respect their fans more, not so much needless jerking them around.