6x06 Brave Heart

Oct 23, 2009 02:22


This ep didn't grab me really. The Huddy scene at the end was definitely good but otherwise it only merited watching because I just want to know what goes on so not to be lost in the future. The patient of the week: OK. Foreman and Thirteen: boring. Wilson continues to be meaner than usual: he'll take House back to Mayfield?!? He doesn't even bother to find out what House means... not his usual knight-in-shining-armor/martyr attitude. Hasn't he appointed himself as House's keeper? He lets him stay at his place because his psychiatrist says he needs supervision, support, he's not able to just live on his own yet, right?

Cuddy has matured in her dealings with House just like he has in his interactions with her, well, up to an extent of course, he's still a scoundrel but more of a "happy one" now. So rumor has it that she is already involved with the old lame P.I. Lucas at this time which would explain her not letting House get to her as much as in season 5? Maybe... still, I think what happened to House and her not noticing it until it was too late, did shake her up out of her reactive mode toward and/or dependency on him. This is for the better. However, she is still in love with him, that never went away. She's just giving it time, catching her breath and letting him do the same. It's too important to be rushed. But she does support him since Mayfield, in a solid way, the way he needs at the moment, not overemotional, not in a mothering mode. Her "we're good, pushing each other's buttons" at the end, I see as her telling him that she's happy he's back in the game, works his cases well, banters with her, without the unnecessary and often-hurtful extreme sarcasm from before. He doesn't want to hurt her anymore, tries to stop stupid and mean slips of the tongue. More play and fun, less stabbing and twisting. Some people-my wife for instance-saw that statement more as a stop sign, her telling him that this is as far as she is allowing him to come close to her: this far and no further. No more getting hurt. I didn't see it like that... but the future episodes will bear that out I suppose.

It is true, Shore & Co. may planning to throw all kinds of reasonable and not so reasonable to far-fetched or all-out absurd obstacles in the Huddy way again. Habits are hard to break. The writers may still be afraid of getting them together and writing mature, balanced plots for them, not over the top or constantly exploding all over the place. Plenty of room for interesting aspects of both of them to be brought to the fore, e.g., family, old friends, House interaction with Rachel, piano playing, etc. People do live in romantic relationship with lots of complexities, hang-ups but also lots of easy, comfortable aspects. They could explore their difference in interaction at the hospital vs. in private: could be quite different but in a way not. So much to explore. Oh well, que sera, sera.

screencap, season 5, cuddy, thirteen, spoiler, season 6, shore, rachel, house, asylum, 6x06, wilson, lucas, foreman

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