episode 6x04 The Tyrant

Oct 06, 2009 00:29


Powerful episode with unexpected twists and turns that kept on surprising me while keeping me on the edge of my seat. James Earl Jones was impressive as I expected. Cameron going over the edge would have been more predictable but no, it was Chase! House doing bad while trying to do good but in the end doing good after all: so post-Mayfield-Housian. It works. Not nearly enough Cuddy of course, and too much Thirteen. Wilson really doesn't come over very sympathetic much lately, a little one-dimensional. Also, I miss House's culinary exploits. Overall, impressive mix of medicine (dictator and Wilson's neighbor), puzzles (ditto), politics and morality (dictator, Cameron, Chase, Foreman). Noticed how Taub missing barely registered-even though I actually like him myself? Finally, surely Chase's haircut can no longer be considered professional...?  :-)

politics, cameron, cuddy, thirteen, spoiler, 6x04, house, james earl j, taub, wilson, foreman, chase

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