6x01 episode "Broken"

Sep 21, 2009 22:36

OK, that's it: no more obsessive searching for spoilers and wasting time following meandering comment threads and discussions about possible future-episode scenarios. Official promos are full of misdirection and out-of-context imagery, cryptic interviews go hot and cold back and forth on Huddy, bloggers who have seen an episode beforehand tend to not be very good at accurately describing not just the plot but also the context, feel of certain events. In short: I'm gonna stop torturing myself needlessly.

Spoilers ahead...
Now the premiere episode "Broken" (6x01). It was much better than I had feared. House's relationship with Lydia made sense. She was a stepping stone toward sanity. Maybe a little too convenient as a plot device but, still, it worked. All in all, the episode came together well. I only have two quibbles. First, why did neither Wilson nor Cuddy visit him during his stay? OK, I can accept that Dr. Nolan would've contacted them to ask them to stay away both physically and over the phone because all House would do was try to use them to circumvent his healing process. However, why were they still absent when he was getting better, co-operating and actually tried to go with the program? I don't get that. Second, why don't we see him talk through his issues regarding Kutner, Amber and, most of all, Cuddy? Sure, we glance over him participating in the group therapy sessions without hearing what he actually said. It could have happened there, I suppose. I don't think that's true though. It looks to me that those would be the kind of issues that should've been discussed in his sessions with Nolan. We could assume that happened but they didn't show it as they were compressing his stay in 2 hours. It didn't look like it, you know. When Nolan told him about having to learn to move on from bad stuff that happened to him, apologize, leave it behind, that seemed to me like homework for when he gets back: apologize to Wilson and Cuddy, get closure on Kutner.

huddy, 6x01, amber, cuddy, kutner, spoiler, house, asylum, wilson

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