New House Poster: What. The. Fuck.

Jan 30, 2011 11:04

What. The. Fuck.

I'm guessing the show is trying to stir up controversy, how else to explain this????

He's putting all of his weight on his (formerly) bad leg with his cane in the air.  The photoshopping is de rigeur, of course, but this...if anyone needed proof that this show has lost what was left of both of its soul and its mind.  Yes, next to the crisis in Egypt this is small potatoes indeed, but really, why doesn't "House" just hire a blimp and go around the country, pissing on the fans?  At the very least they could have had him stepping on his "good" leg.

ETA: Even if this poster is symbolic, which of course it is, since when has House walked the tightrope since the beginning of Season 7?  All of the plots are recycled and everyone on the team is having epiphany moments.

I could rant on, but I'm throwing this open to discussion for others to voice their opinions, pro or con.  

discussion, creative bankruptcy, rant, wtf, debate, fandom

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