Okay, I Enjoyed Another Supernatural Episode...

Nov 17, 2018 12:00

I've now watched two MOTW episodes, and enjoyed them! I can't stand angel/demon drama, I don't care about AU, Bobby, Mary, etc. But I love Jack. He's such an adorable piece of nougat. The zombie plot was very well done and funny. I hope Harper comes back. Turning out to be evil was expected, but her reasons were hilarious. The comedy worked so well. The opening, the "falling in love", "the talk" (I really hope that happens), the boyfriend zombie...

And I also loved the sheer boredom that Sam and Charlie experienced sitting in the truck. The conversation about being alone/being with people was annoying. And way too on the nose. But the bug-people coming to take their dead comrade was inspired. It was so sad, and established them as more than monsters.

Although I haven't liked Dean being on the losing end of fights. And where are all of the people in the bunker?

cuddyclothes liked an episode? What the fuck?

dean, mr dalliard we've been activated, sam, jack is an adorable piece of nougat, supernatural

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