Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner continue their soul-destroying run of terribly written episodes with "Dark Dynasty," sloppily directed by Bob Singer. ( If it looks like a duck, it's this episode )
I really hate to say it, but... there was a time where the pen-penultimate episode to the finale raised the stakes like nobody's business. This... was definitely not it. JESUS F. ROOSEFELT CHRIST ON A FUCKING POGOSTICK. I had a bad feeling once I read that our *favourite* dynamic duo was behind that episode, but I couldn't have anticipated just how amateur they managed to make this episode. From the 200th iteration of 'Dean's getting worse!' that's Sam's being trying to sell us over and over again - when Dean actually doesn't seem to GET anywhere homicidally speaking - to taking the bad guy back to the bunker and the bad guy actually being to dumb to USE being in the fucking bunker to his advantage instead deciding to do EXACTLY what he was so severely admonished about (spilling all the fucking family secrets for expositional reasons and nothing better) to the absolute fucking waste that was Charlie's death... I really have no words. Yes, Rowena was a pleasure to be around this episode and Crowley's little chat with the hamster was funny, but good GOD, where are they going with this?
The only thing I can think of to help is, dare I say it, some new creative control (yes, I'm looking at you Bob Singer, Mr. 'We have no idea at the beginning of the season where it's gonna end' - and he says that like it's a good thing.)... I'm... well, I still have slight hopes for the finale because they've at least managed to pull that rabbit out of the bag those past few years, but damn, this was big fat pile of suckage. And I've steadfastly tempered my critique of the show over the years to look at all angles, but this doesn't have any angles I'm afraid. I feel cheated.
I was thinking about last season--Dean was absolutely losing it. First he butchered Abbadon, then he sliced Gadreel, then he told Crowley, "I really need to kill!" and barfed when he couldn't.
Right now he's sort of a violent petulant teenager.
YES... and not even that, because I don't really get to see him be a violent petulant teenager at all, we just get told 'Dean's getting worse' which could mean anything from developing a stomach ulcer to entering underground cage matches. And no, I'm not satisfied with a casual throwing down of 'oh you know, urges, visions, the daily grind' WHAT? What visions... we know of weird dreams and stuff, but visions is a different animal in my book. That is sloppy SLOPPY and lazy writing and I will call them on it. Also the foreshadowing of 'this ends badly, maybe do it different this time?' was great when it was Bobby doing the writing, but it just got cheesier and cheaper every time Jared war forced to do those face contortions. *headdesk* ok, I think I need to put it behind me now, lest my bitching gets out of hand.
*From the 200th iteration of 'Dean's getting worse!' that's Sam's being trying to sell us...*
OMG, Right!? The only redeeming quality of this cluster-fuck of an episode is the potential of pushing Dean completely over the edge. I would LOVE to see Dean on a rampage, feeding the Mark and the darkness and the injustices of his life.
Well... promos for next week look hopeful in that regard, but still we know how promos for this show can lead us down the wrong alley SO FAST. And I agree with cuddlyclothes, they had Dean become a demon last year and squandered that potential so badly, all he did was get into hair products, bad karaokee and cuddling with Crowley. *sigh* We'll see.
This... was definitely not it.
I had a bad feeling once I read that our *favourite* dynamic duo was behind that episode, but I couldn't have anticipated just how amateur they managed to make this episode. From the 200th iteration of 'Dean's getting worse!' that's Sam's being trying to sell us over and over again - when Dean actually doesn't seem to GET anywhere homicidally speaking - to taking the bad guy back to the bunker and the bad guy actually being to dumb to USE being in the fucking bunker to his advantage instead deciding to do EXACTLY what he was so severely admonished about (spilling all the fucking family secrets for expositional reasons and nothing better) to the absolute fucking waste that was Charlie's death... I really have no words.
Yes, Rowena was a pleasure to be around this episode and Crowley's little chat with the hamster was funny, but good GOD, where are they going with this?
The only thing I can think of to help is, dare I say it, some new creative control (yes, I'm looking at you Bob Singer, Mr. 'We have no idea at the beginning of the season where it's gonna end' - and he says that like it's a good thing.)... I'm... well, I still have slight hopes for the finale because they've at least managed to pull that rabbit out of the bag those past few years, but damn, this was big fat pile of suckage. And I've steadfastly tempered my critique of the show over the years to look at all angles, but this doesn't have any angles I'm afraid. I feel cheated.
That is a fantastic expletive.
I was thinking about last season--Dean was absolutely losing it. First he butchered Abbadon, then he sliced Gadreel, then he told Crowley, "I really need to kill!" and barfed when he couldn't.
Right now he's sort of a violent petulant teenager.
That is sloppy SLOPPY and lazy writing and I will call them on it. Also the foreshadowing of 'this ends badly, maybe do it different this time?' was great when it was Bobby doing the writing, but it just got cheesier and cheaper every time Jared war forced to do those face contortions. *headdesk* ok, I think I need to put it behind me now, lest my bitching gets out of hand.
OMG, Right!? The only redeeming quality of this cluster-fuck of an episode is the potential of pushing Dean completely over the edge. I would LOVE to see Dean on a rampage, feeding the Mark and the darkness and the injustices of his life.
Sadly, I rarely get what I want. :(
And I agree with cuddlyclothes, they had Dean become a demon last year and squandered that potential so badly, all he did was get into hair products, bad karaokee and cuddling with Crowley. *sigh* We'll see.
Well...thanks for the heads up on the promo. There's nothing more frightening than an unconstrained Dean Winchester.
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