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Comments 19

quickreaver January 22 2015, 04:14:04 UTC
You're incorrigible! And too much fun. I loved this. I could probably pipe up with head-canoned explanations for stuff, but why bother, right? Sometimes you just gotta chortle.


cuddyclothes January 22 2015, 04:26:45 UTC
Thank you! I can't help myself, what can I say?


runedgirl January 22 2015, 04:30:11 UTC
Have to admit, I snorted several times during the reading of this. Thanks for that :)


cuddyclothes January 22 2015, 14:30:43 UTC
My pleasure! Thanks for reading.


casey28 January 22 2015, 05:04:30 UTC
"Rowena has an orgasm when she sees THIS..."

LOL! That's totally what happened. ;D


cuddyclothes January 22 2015, 14:31:09 UTC
I'm glad we're on the same page. Thanks for reading!


tebtosca January 22 2015, 06:35:27 UTC
In conclusion: WET SAM


cuddyclothes January 22 2015, 14:31:32 UTC
Spot on. WET SAM.


maguie January 22 2015, 06:44:04 UTC
You had me chuckling while reading all your review :D

"Does anyone remember in Season 5 when Dean punched Castiel and nearly broke his fist? No, I don't either. Since then angels have gotten a lot more spongy"

But I suppose that's because of the Mark of Cain, he has powers (or things like that :P )

yes, you know? I usually don't pay attention to the hair style, but I have been notice too, and yes FIX SAM'S HAIR!!!!


cuddyclothes January 22 2015, 14:32:17 UTC
The angels have gotten awfully easily to punch out.


maguie January 22 2015, 22:54:30 UTC
yep,, like I don't know where I read this:

Remember when Dean was scared crying about one demon on season 1, and now he has the king of hell on speed dial?



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