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Comments 21

caranfindel May 8 2014, 15:30:46 UTC
Crowley. That Is All. He's been a Big Bad and is an untrustworthy shit, but I swear to Christ, if they kill him off I will have to take steps.

Testify, sister.

Also, Sam's hair. And Sam's face when he's trying to get Dean to stop with the stabbing already. And Sam in the Impala. Basically ALL THINGS SAM.


cuddyclothes May 8 2014, 18:04:20 UTC
SAM. I know. Although Homicidal!Dean was hot, especially when he dropped to the floor and was walking toward Abbadon like he was in a strong wind.



ash48 May 8 2014, 15:31:12 UTC
Hee...it's weird. As soon as the episode finished I had the same feeling of..."I'm not sure what to say about that one. I enjoyed it but...um..."

of course, then I thought of stuff and couldn't stop. :)

Thanks for the caps. I wasn't overly impressed with some of the direction, but there were some nice shots. I particularly liked the angel POV during the interrogation. Sam and Dean look like crazy dudes!

I don't care much about the lol!canon with Gavin. I probably should, but *shrugs*. It might even end up being important next season.

My only disappointment was the, almost, anti-climax of Abaddon's death. But maybe it was supposed to be that way. Or maybe that was just me.

I loved Sam turning to face Dean in the car. i made a gif for tumblr and felt that it was the first time we'd see that too. :))

ETA: He's been a Big Bad and is an untrustworthy shit, but I swear to Christ, if they kill him off I will have to take steps.

Oh man, I feel the opposite on that one. If they don't kill him off I will have to take steps. ( ... )


cuddyclothes May 8 2014, 18:03:21 UTC
Yes, for me it's a true case of cognitive dissonance!


septembers_coda May 8 2014, 17:07:34 UTC
I was just going to post that I'm with you on liking it but having nothing to say. But you found some stuff to say! :-}

This was great! Maybe I'll find something to say after all, too. I liked Gavin's character, and that he's kinda dim, and the accent was HOT.


cuddyclothes May 8 2014, 18:01:12 UTC
I listed everything I liked, and left out what I didn't. Because really, why not for a change? It was still fun doing the captions.


dreamsofspike May 8 2014, 17:17:54 UTC
Here's my issue. For my own personal interests, I am 100% with you on the NOT killing Crowley. I ADORE that treacherous little bastard, and want him to stay on the show until it goes off the air.


I would have liked some valid explanation for WHY that happened in this episode. Maybe I'm heartless, I don't know. But he was COMPLETELY helpless and they've been going on all season about how they needed to kill Crowley as soon as Abaddon was dead. So why DIDN'T they?

I'm glad they didn't. I'd just... like it to make sense. :P

Slight logic issues aside, I did LOVE this episode :) Agreed not enough Cas, though :P hehe But what we got was good, and I love that it's starting to look like Gadreel MIGHT earn his redemption after all :)


cuddyclothes May 8 2014, 18:00:14 UTC
I have no idea why not, except that maybe Sam did NOT want Dean picking up the Blade again.

Also? I'm tired of the "kill Crowley" stuff. In his horrible,sneaky way, he's acting like Team Free Will. I don't know how else to put it. I mean, he told Dean "Poughkeepsie". And as he spat out, "Feelings!" That will be his ultimate undoing, methinks. Maybe someone else is in line for King of Hell?

Did Dean pat his heart with the Blade before he went Terminator?


dreamsofspike May 8 2014, 18:39:51 UTC
Actually, that completely makes sense. Once Sam got through to Dean and Dean dropped the blade even for a moment, I can see Sam like *scrambling* to get over there and pick it up before Dean could touch it again, really freaked out over what he just saw :( :( :( So yeah, that makes enough sense for me. *nods*

And yeah, I think Crowley, deep down, would love to really be a part of TFW :P Though he wouldn't put it like that. When he's working with the boys this season, he's always dropping hints about being "on the team" and visibly, obviously seeking their approval (especially Sam's, since Sam is the coolest toward him right now).

I don't trust him yet, though. He's still in such a gray area that he could fall on either side of the line. He might yet end up utterly screwing them over in some massive way. Again. :P hehe

And yeah, he did pat his heart, I noticed that. Interesting. O.o


caranfindel May 8 2014, 20:17:22 UTC
He tapped his chest. I asked about that too. I thought maybe he was indicating Crowley's wound, to ask who did it, and if I remember right, Crowley used his eyes to point them out. Or did I just read way too much into that?


pocochina May 8 2014, 17:37:04 UTC
For everyone bitching about Abbadon's death, remember, she's been killed twice already. First beheaded with a devil's trap bullet and cut into pieces, then Sam burns her meatsuit to death, and now this.

Very true. I do get the discomfort with it to some point, but big dogs get bit, them's the brakes.

It will screw up everything somehow, and that is what's important! Priorities, people!

ahahaha, exactly.

THE SCENE IN THE CAR! Sam even changes position for the first time in...forever? Love his mama hen concern for Dean, and Dean's complete honesty about the Blade.

It was a great scene, though I think Sam might not have been entirely mother henning, so much as staging an intervention about the Crack Pipe of Fratricide there. (Oh, Sam. YOU TRIED.) (The story of his life: OH SAM, YOU TRIED.)


cuddyclothes May 8 2014, 17:57:31 UTC
staging an intervention about the Crack Pipe of Fratricide there.

BWAHAAHAA! I love that Sam is being intelligent, and sweet, and reasonable, rather than staring out the window and not taking responsibility for his half of the brotherhood. In the clip from next week, Sam is so reasonable.


dreamsofspike May 8 2014, 18:41:06 UTC
"the Crack Pipe of Fratricide" LOL

That is a GREAT name for the Blade. I love it. :P

ETA: And I was so amused by that, that I missed your last line until just now... and that last line makes me want to cry. It's so true. Poor Sam. :(

(That line could apply just as easily to Cas, too, actually, when I think about it. :/ *sigh*)


mangacat201 May 9 2014, 05:21:43 UTC
the Crack Pipe of Fratricide

... That... is totally it. I vote it into official Supernatural terminology at once.


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