Yeah, was going to mention the car not being the Impala, but a very appropriate period number that probably topped off the props-budget for the rest of the season, but I've been preempted (which doesn't really keep me from being a smartass, you see). Totally agree with you on the 'consequences don't seem to be happening for non-Winchesters anymore' but then, given the ton of procedurals out there that never show all those trials thrown out because of the poor trampled thing that is police procedure on TV, I think we can cut them some slack in that department (right, Adam?)
Interesting mention of those souls, which were lovely FX actually, and Sam's predicament... granted, his shredded-to-ribbon's rag probably needed to be held together by Death not to be DOA before it was properly dry-walled off, but I'd really be interested in expanding on the subject, because we still don't know much more about them except they're quantum field generators creating the GOD-particle (and wouldn't it be really funny if God literally split himself apart to create a soul-shard for all of prospective humanity which is why he vanished and put in the apocalypse plan as a failsafe to put him back together in the event that humanity really didn't hack it against angels and demons? HA, the shit I come up with these days)...
wouldn't it be really funny if God literally split himself apart to create a soul-shard for all of prospective humanity which is why he vanished and put in the apocalypse plan as a failsafe to put him back together in the event that humanity really didn't hack it against angels and demons?
Thank you for making my head explode.
I hope that Adam and Jerome are hanging out, eating sandwiches and bitching.
I actually never even had this theory before writing this comment, but dude, it explains so SO much! Thanks for making me come up with it. (It even explains how Death might reap God! Arrgh, dominos!)
I bet they are. All along with those demon-knife killed people that the Winchesters 'technically' would have had time to exorcise. Technically...
Sadly... I've read in a review of the episode that the reviewer bemoaned the fact that the show seems to kind of have lost its mission both in terms of Sam's and Dean's purpose in life and also where they're going in terms of the overarching story and theme.
And I think the obvious shift away from the saving PEOPLE part and toward an encompassing evil that is to be fought and beaten has led to a very callous and economically calculated disregard for collateral damage. Which was understandable and necessary in the light of the pending apocalypse, because literally time was running out and they had bigger things to worry about, but now that's been reduced to a kind of personal vendetta against a demon overlord with a side of saving humanity - that is entirely optional. The Winchesters used to be about putting their lives on the line for people they didn't even know and that sometimes wouldn't even thank them, they used to be about making Ruby find a coma-girl to possess for the sake of propriety. And now - I paraphrase - Sam doesn't even know if he wants to hunt or not and why it would be one or the other.
I think to really get the show to where it can be as deep and meaningful again as it used to be, they have to find that purpose in the little things again. I mean, Dean threw his name around in front of that newbie 'hunter' like it was a celebrity door pass and it kind of is, right? I think they need to find their way back to taking on these big menaces on both sides of the aisle not just because they've done it before and know the drill, but because that's who they are. Otherwise you just have an empty shell of a hero going through the motions and that's not what we signed up for.
I don't know if that came over altogether coherent in any way, it's still a bit jumbled in my head.
While I believe killing Abbadon is for the greater good, I'm no longer sure why Sam and Dean are so bent on it, and that's not a good thing. Crowley gets a pass for the moment because he's at least trying to stay with the 'natural order' of things whereas she is calling in deals before they're due, mining souls, etc. She's the greater threat to every living soul on Earth.
And if the goal is to wipe out the last vestiges of the Knights of Hell, has Dean already put himself on that list? He kills Abbadon, then he kills Cain (as Cain already asked him to) and then he has Crowley kill him? No, that doesn't work because Crowley would need the mark and it would just keep going and going. But in order to do what the Winchesters USED to do, 'saving people, hunting things' Dean has to already know that his life is forfeit once he kills Abbadon and Cain, right? Maybe Cas will have a way to eradicate the mark without passing it on to someone else.
There I go again, thinking out loud with my keyboard lol
Their penchant for thinking out loud on their keyboards is what drew me to the fan community in the first place, so you're entirely in the green zone there. I really like that where the show is going has so many people writing so many paragraphs again, because to me that means we're headed in a positive direction (nothing is worse than a fandom that has nothing to say about their thing anymore, whether it's to heap praise or curse up a storm) I just hope we keep going on into a territory that makes those posts start with 'I can't believe they DID this' instead of 'I can't believe they did THIS'
I just hope we keep going on into a territory that makes those posts start with 'I can't believe they DID this' instead of 'I can't believe they did THIS'
That's an important distinction and I share your hope.
Interesting mention of those souls, which were lovely FX actually, and Sam's predicament... granted, his shredded-to-ribbon's rag probably needed to be held together by Death not to be DOA before it was properly dry-walled off, but I'd really be interested in expanding on the subject, because we still don't know much more about them except they're quantum field generators creating the GOD-particle (and wouldn't it be really funny if God literally split himself apart to create a soul-shard for all of prospective humanity which is why he vanished and put in the apocalypse plan as a failsafe to put him back together in the event that humanity really didn't hack it against angels and demons? HA, the shit I come up with these days)...
Thank you for making my head explode.
I hope that Adam and Jerome are hanging out, eating sandwiches and bitching.
I bet they are. All along with those demon-knife killed people that the Winchesters 'technically' would have had time to exorcise. Technically...
Enough people to fill a stadium at this point.
And I think the obvious shift away from the saving PEOPLE part and toward an encompassing evil that is to be fought and beaten has led to a very callous and economically calculated disregard for collateral damage. Which was understandable and necessary in the light of the pending apocalypse, because literally time was running out and they had bigger things to worry about, but now that's been reduced to a kind of personal vendetta against a demon overlord with a side of saving humanity - that is entirely optional. The Winchesters used to be about putting their lives on the line for people they didn't even know and that sometimes wouldn't even thank them, they used to be about making Ruby find a coma-girl to possess for the sake of propriety. And now - I paraphrase - Sam doesn't even know if he wants to hunt or not and why it would be one or the other.
I think to really get the show to where it can be as deep and meaningful again as it used to be, they have to find that purpose in the little things again. I mean, Dean threw his name around in front of that newbie 'hunter' like it was a celebrity door pass and it kind of is, right? I think they need to find their way back to taking on these big menaces on both sides of the aisle not just because they've done it before and know the drill, but because that's who they are. Otherwise you just have an empty shell of a hero going through the motions and that's not what we signed up for.
I don't know if that came over altogether coherent in any way, it's still a bit jumbled in my head.
While I believe killing Abbadon is for the greater good, I'm no longer sure why Sam and Dean are so bent on it, and that's not a good thing. Crowley gets a pass for the moment because he's at least trying to stay with the 'natural order' of things whereas she is calling in deals before they're due, mining souls, etc. She's the greater threat to every living soul on Earth.
And if the goal is to wipe out the last vestiges of the Knights of Hell, has Dean already put himself on that list? He kills Abbadon, then he kills Cain (as Cain already asked him to) and then he has Crowley kill him? No, that doesn't work because Crowley would need the mark and it would just keep going and going. But in order to do what the Winchesters USED to do, 'saving people, hunting things' Dean has to already know that his life is forfeit once he kills Abbadon and Cain, right? Maybe Cas will have a way to eradicate the mark without passing it on to someone else.
There I go again, thinking out loud with my keyboard lol
That's an important distinction and I share your hope.
Love the icon!
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