I pretty much agree with all of this. I can kind of excuse the non-rescue of Adam because he is in the Cage, not Hell. But Sam strolling through Hell with no demon trying to stop him and no sign of PTSD was too much for me. Plus why did Bobby get the cage 2 doors down from the entrance? It took Meg year (hell time which is no longer hell time, but real time) to claw her way out after Dean and Sam exorcised her and Crowley spent an entire year trying ot find a way into Purgatory. Now you just move a rock and you leave Hell? Really? And Bobby has been in Hell for a year, or 480 months according to Dean and the worst thing that happened to him was seeing Sam and Dean doppelgangers? No rack, no torture, not even a long unending line? And what happened to the long unending line anyway? The rogue reapers bothered me. Dean only getting one piece of pie so that Kevin didn't have any bothered me. He couldn't spring for 2, one for him and one for the guy going nuts and ruining his health to close Hell?
So much canon out the window and I'm not sure it was necessary. They could have kept Crowley's queue and had Sam say he had been searching for months before he found Bobby. Crowley should have started looking for him the second he found out Sam was in Hell and tried to kill him, or at least bring back traumatic memories. I can't even with this episode.
So much canon out the window and I'm not sure it was necessary. They could have kept Crowley's queue and had Sam say he had been searching for months before he found Bobby. Crowley should have started looking for him the second he found out Sam was in Hell and tried to kill him, or at least bring back traumatic memories. I can't even with this episode.
I did like that Kevin a) hid the tablet (uh-oh) b) freaked and ran away. That made perfect sense, as did the hallucinations of Crowley.
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