Extension / Art

Aug 01, 2008 18:46

Hi everyone. Sorry for so much mod!spam, but we wanted to let you know that we've decided that extensions are awesome, and thus:

New deadline: August 15th. Hopefully the extra ten days will be enough so everyone can get their fics (and ART!) in on time!

And speaking of, we forgot to mention (lamely) that the comm is also open for Art Submissions! So, if you have those we'd love to see them. Please include in your post: Title, creator, any warnings you think are necessary, and medium. You may post here using an lj cut, or link back to your journal*

If you have any questions, please feel free! And if you really, really believe that ten days will not be enough time, please contact a mod to discuss it. We will not be adding any more group extensions to this round.

And thank you to everyone who has submitted a fic! Keep 'em coming!

*If you have an journal/community that is members only, we request that you also post your work here. You are more than welcome, of course, to provide links to your journal/comm in the post.


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