Chocolate and Marshmallows

Jul 26, 2008 09:00

Title: Chocolate and Marshmallows
Author: kerryaod
Word count: 740
Rating: PG
Pairing: Wilson/Cuddy
Prompt: 149. Wilson/Cuddy - she brings him a cup of hot chocolate

Cuddy bit her lip to try and block out the pain from the hot polystyrene cup; whoever thought of using that as a cup had pretty crap ideas about how hot the drink actually was. She passed it to her other hand as she knocked on Wilson’s office door, slowly opening it. She found him stretched out along his couch rather than at his desk, watching him rub his head for a few seconds before shutting the door.

“You okay?” Wilson nodded slowly, sitting himself back up, smiling at her as she walked over to him.

“Yeah, just a rough day.” He took the cup from her at her urge, not expecting it to be as hot as it was, watching her rub her hand gently. Wilson placed the cup back to the floor, taking her hand in his to stop her from rubbing it.

“How did things get like this?” Cuddy lifted her head slowly, resting it back against his shoulder.

“What do you mean?”

“Quieter, more uncomfortable.” Cuddy shook her head slowly, sighing softly.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it. It’s been a rough few weeks.” Wilson nodded, wrapping his arm around her, kissing her hair lightly.

“There’s a little Italian place not far from yours. I thought we could see a show and then go eat?” Cuddy seemed to spend a while tossing the option around, slowly shaking her head.

“I wouldn’t be good company, I’m too tired.”

“Take out and a movie at yours then?” Cuddy laughed, lifting her head up to look at him.

“You’re persistent.” She smiled before nodding, kissing him slowly. “I’ve missed you.” Wilson brushed her hair from her eyes as he kissed her back, resting his forehead against hers as they broke away.

“Call me when you leave?” Cuddy nodded, kissing him quickly before standing up from the couch.

“Don’t let that go cold.” Wilson smiled to himself as he remembered the hot chocolate, picking it up as he walked back around to his desk.


Cuddy had called Wilson just before she’d left, smiling as he told her to pick out the movie. He picked up some Italian on the way to hers to try and make up for the missed dinner out, letting himself in to save her from getting up.

“Cuddy?” He smiled when her head poked out of her bedroom into the hallway.

“Hey. Pop it on the table, I’ll just be a minute.” He nodded to himself as she went back into her bedroom, setting the food on the table, looking over his shoulder as he felt her hand move over his waist.

“Hey.” Cuddy smiled, leaning up to kiss him, brushing her hands through his hair.

“You look amazing.” She ducked her head a little as she blushed, turning slowly on the spot to show him the dress.

“I might not be going out but I can still dress up. It feels good to look nice for once.”

“You’re always beautiful Lisa.” He kissed her lightly again. “I’ll get the plates, you-“

“I’m getting a drink anyway.” Wilson nodded, wrapping his arm around her waist as she stepped away from the table. He watched her for a minute or so as she pulled two mugs downs, eventually moving to get the plates and cutlery as she caught him watching her.

“You want one?” She snapped him back as she motioned to him with the spoon she’d been holding, smiling as he walked back to her. She couldn’t help but love feeling his eyes on her, loving the type of gaze he held on her rather than the kind she got from House.

“What is it?”

“Hot chocolate.” Cuddy smiled up at him before mixing the powder in, resting her head against his chest.

“Sure. Have you got a new thing?”

“Hmm?” Cuddy frowned, moving one mug to the side as she made up the second.

“Hot chocolate; you don’t drink coffee as much.”

“Oh…” Cuddy shrugged, turning round to hold the mug out to him, picking her own back up. “I guess… I don’t know. When I was trying to get pregnant I stopped drinking coffee and I started drinking this. I never really stopped.” Wilson nodded, smiling a little. “I like it.” He wrapped his arm around her waist as he took her back through to the dining room, opening the takeout as he sat with her, kissing her quickly before sorting out his food.

rating - pg, author - kerryaod, pairing - wilson/cuddy

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