Posting Open! / Extension?

Jul 25, 2008 10:49

G'Day, all! As it is July 25th, cuddy_fest is now open for posting! We've already had a couple of submissions, which is fabulous! A couple reminders:

  • Posting IS moderated - we will scan your entry to make sure all is kosher, and then approve! We will do our best to check queue every day for new submissions; if you find you submitted your story and several days have gone by without it being approved, please let one of the mods know. More than likely it's a fluke.
  • Please please follow the Posting Guidelines! In short, your post to cuddy_fest should have: Title, Author, Pairing (or gen), Rating (!), summary, and author's notes. Also please include your prompt and number.
  • You may link your story back to your lj/another comm, or post it here under an lj cut. If you do not have a cut, we will ask you to resubmit your entry.
  • Once you have posted your fic to cuddy_fest, spread it around! Bring the Cuddy goodness to as many comms as you'd like :D

  • Feel free to let us know if you have any qualms or questions!

    ALSO. We have heard from a few people that August 5th is approaching far too quickly. If you would like an extenuation past the August 5th deadline, please comment here and let us know how much time you think you would need.

    Thanks very much, and happy posting!


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