Cuddly Bros 2015: The Claiming Post

Jul 20, 2015 09:35

come closer for a cuddle~

Hello, cuddle buddies! We've collected your prompts (and maybe cried a little over them). And now is the time to claim the goodies! o(〃^▽^〃)o

1. Anyone may claim a prompt. You don't need to leave a prompt to claim one.
2. You may claim only ONE prompt from THIS prompt archive. If you want to claim another prompt, you must finish AND submit your current claim first. Prompts highlighted in grey are no longer up for claiming. (See this image for sample)
3. Your prompt fill must have a minimum of 2,000 words. You have two months to write your desired prompt! :D
4. Prompts will be given on a first come, first served basis.
5. Do not discuss ideas for your assignment in public (Twitter, Facebook, LJ, and other sites of the like). We’ll hunt you and we will find you (ಠ⌣ಠ). We are hoping to keep the anonymity alive until the reveals post goes up.
6. By claiming a prompt, you are agreeing to following the rules of the fest and committing yourself to meeting the deadlines. Should you need to drop out at any time, please let us know through email ( and we'll put the prompt you've claimed back up for claiming.

the prompt form
This is how you should read the prompt form

THE PROMPT: (Canon? AU? Set in the Future? / Please provide details on what you want to see in the fic written for the prompt.)

RATING: (Highest possible rating you're willing to read for the given prompt - G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 ** Use only these five; we are using the MPAA ratings sysytem)

SQUICKS: (Things you don't want to see in the fic, be it a kink or a particular pairing or a scenario)

PLUS POINTS! (Something that will make you fall in love with the writer if s/he adds these things in)

The prompt archive looks like this:

(click for a larger view)

what the colors mean
Some people have asked us what the color coding in the prompt sheet means! Here's a small guide to it:

A YELLOW BOX means this prompt has been dropped! You may claim it again and write it. Please give these dropped prompts love! c:

A GRAY BOX means this prompt has been claimed! It means that someone has beaten you to taking it. :c

A WHITE/UNMARKED BOX means this prompt hasn’t been claimed yet. Go, claim it now!

For a visual explanation, you may see the image below:

(click for a larger view)

dates to remember
July 5 - Prompting starts
July 18 - Prompting ends
July 20 - Prompt reveals
July 24 - Claiming starts
August 1 - Claiming ends
August 28 - Check in!
September 28 - Writing ends
October 1 - Posting starts!
October 8 - Posting ends + Guess-Who
October 10 - Reveals

claiming form
PLEASE POST YOUR CLAIM FORM AS A NEW COMMENT. Please fill out this form and indicate your top three choices when claiming

FIRST CHOICE: Prompt # (Your top choice. The prompt you are DYING to write and won't ever let go of!)

SECOND CHOICE: Prompt # (Another prompt that you'd like to write, should you not get your first choice.)

THIRD CHOICE: Prompt # (Another prompt that you'd like to write, should you not get your second choice.)

Username: (Your username goes here)
Email address: (
Alternate forms of contact: (Line, KKT, Twitter)

cuddlybros prompt archive!

If you have questions or clarifications, feel free to send us a private message here on LJ, tweet us at @cuddlybros or send us an e-mail at

That's it, everyone! Let the claiming begin!

lightning round is closed!
(august 30, 2015, 11:59 p.m. gmt+11)

2015: mod post

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