Probably wouldn't hurt to sit up...

Aug 12, 2006 20:53 I've been spending most of the day laying in bed or on the couch. I've caught up on my TV though, and I'm trying desperately to finish this library book by the due date. Seems like that's not gonna happen...

So let's see what's going on:

~My classroom officially has all of its students accepted. All boys, all aged 9-12. One of them starts on Monday and the other starts after the August break. Yay! I'm so ready to have all my boys and have things nailed down.

~Moving day is almost upon us. A week from tomorrow is the day. I was on the phone with Comcast for 2 hours today trying to get the transfer of service figured out. First, they couldn't find my new address in the computer, and were certain that it didn't exist. Yeah, 'cause I think it's fun to call Comcast and make up an address. Hi-lar-ious. Then, when they found it, they told me that the previous resident hadn't disconnected their service yet, and so I can't connect mine yet or even make an appt. So, after all that time on hold and talking to stupid people, I still haven't accomplished anything. I hate Comcast and their cable monopoly. Grrr.

Anyways, I'm pretty well packed except for the things that I need between now and then. Even still, every time I spy something sitting around, I think to myself "I'm not packed yet! Eek!" And then I run through it in my head... "Oh yes, I'm going to need my toothbrush between now and then... Drat. One more thing that isn't packed." One benefit to the whole moving thing is I have license to pretty much eat everything in the house, under the guise of "getting rid of it before moving day." Today I used a whole thing of Velveeta and a whole box of pasta to make maccaroni and cheese... Made sense at the time, but now I'm gonna be eating mac and cheese all week long.

~Heather and I went to see Leslie's a capella concert last night with the Argentinians. A few things to say about that:
1) I want very badly to be in an a capella group. I keep mentioning it to Leslie, but she doesn't seem all that excited about letting me in. I have until next summer to convince her. All ya gotta do is sing "Mmmmmm... bop bop.... mmmmmmm.... bop bop." And it looks like so much fun.... *sigh* Also, there were no blonde girls in the group. Clearly, they are in need of one. There's my in right there.

2) People from Argentina are awesome. Devereux does this exchange thinger with Argentina, and a bunch have come to our school. Clara is one of them, and she works in my classroom. She was a SpEd teacher in her home country, and so she really knows her stuff. She is definitely more creative than I, and she teaches me things every day. I love her. And because I do, I constantly bug her. Every time we do anything, I ask her if they do that in Argentina. I have learned a whole bunch of things: In Argentina, no one even goes out until around 2am. Bars are open forever. They don't have a work for "steak" (the cheesesteak kind). They, like us, have a severe gender gap in SpEd, and, therefore, the men advance much faster than the women. Argentinians don't eat as much as we do. Their clothes are much nicer. They have H&M, but no GAP or Victoria's Secret. Right now it is cold there. So yeah, I could go on, but you get the point. I've asked Clara a lot of questions. But she thinks I'm funny (I think), and she says that she "likes to speak of Argentina." :)

If you would like to know something about Argentina, lemme know. I'll find out for you. :)

With that, back to beating the library's dreaded deadline!

PS~ Happy birthday, Jinxie! *hugs*
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