2 Fast 2 Furious too Fun
not much plot really but wow some fun with cars. LOVE the racers scramble.
My ankle is killing me.
went to Sam's to pick up some produce and some snacks for tomorrow. I also picked up supplies for bringing lunch to school Hard to believe I start back up in a little over a week.
I did something naughty but not naughty I am looking ahead to the future. And considering what I was going to buy instead of this this was the better choice.
So I am going to throw all but one boom box into the sale/donation box.
Checked on my friends kitties on my way to the house. ONe picked up a nasty contagious virus. So I checked and got some loving and the good news is that momma seems to be on the road to recovery. She wasn't drooling and she was eating soft and hard food. The virus gives her sores in her mouth. and the other two had some hard food I wasn't sure if
buteo_flight had stopped by and medicated and fed them so I just gave them some hard food since the other 2 were going after the hard food sick momma had just eaten from but we don't want them to share at all. gave some loving got some loving in return. Talked to their Mom and told her I set up a notepad with checklist and notes for me and
Buteo_flight:> and <lj user= to communicate since we are sharing kitty duties and I will be cleaning the house and doing some disinfecting. I'm goign to stay at their house New years eve night since it's half way to my home from the party I am going to also this will allow me to do the next morning medication and start cleaning the house so it's nice and clean when my friends get back home.