Tagged from retrogamerbear

Jun 22, 2005 19:18

1. Favorite smell : Pizza
2. Favorite way to relax: Warm bath or Hot-Tub (cuddleing is relaxing too but eventually it gets me...horny)
3. Favorite movie you own: A Nightmare Before Christmas
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: My Neighbour Totoro
5. Favorite male movie star: don't watch enough movies that aren't anime to care
6. Favorite female movie star: don't watch enough movies that aren't anime to care
7. Favorite book genre: Science Fiction
8. Favorite clothing store: Salvation Army/Value Village
9. Favorite non-clothing store: EBGames/Microplay
10. Favorite cartoon character: Gir (from Invader Zim)
11. Favorite CD you own: The Pixies - Surfa Rosa/Come on Pilgrim
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: Shonen Knife - Happy Hour
13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends: I like the torch!, don't touch It's MINE!
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