The Flattest of Sides

Jul 21, 2011 02:48

Caught up now! All old fanfics have been posted on this journal, both old journals are closed, and I'm back in business. :] The latest chapter of Business Partners should be up VERY soon.

Title: The Flattest of Sides
Author: cuddlebus (formerly saaavvy)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Percy/Oliver, slight past Percy/Penelope
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: DH spoilers

Summary: Six flashes of Percy Weasley's life, some mundane and some life-changing.


The first time Percy discovered his yearmates skipping class, he was absolutely scandalized. Professor McGonagall had told him to return to the Gryffindor common room and fetch some supplies for their lesson, so he muttered the password to the fat lady only to discover Oliver Wood and Harold Krebs lounging by the fireplace and dangling chocolate frogs over the flames.

His face twisted in disgust as he watched the two boys torture the reptilian candy, but they chortled and guffawed savagely. Percy coughed to get their attention, and they whirled around--dropping the frogs into the fire. Percy winced, and then scrunched his nose as he politely reminded them that Transfiguration class was in session as they spoke.

Oliver laughed, "Well we know that." Harold looked a little like a puppy who had just gotten kicked. He dismissed himself from the situation, gathering his booksack and disappearing up the stairs in a hurry. Percy adjusted his glasses and gave Oliver a withering look.

"Well?" he asked. Oliver pouted. "Oh, come on Percy. It's our third year. You can't tell me you've never skipped a class."

Percy blinked, and gave Oliver an even more pointed look. Oliver chuckled again, "Oh, right. Shouldn't have asked that." He slung his booksack over his shoulder and stood up, "I'll just... be on my way now."

Percy had hoped to see Oliver walk past him--through the portrait and to the left, in the direction of Professor McGonagall's classroom, but Oliver took the same route as Harold had--up the stairs to the 3rd year Gryffindor boys dormitory.

"I hope you know that we're being tested on this material!" Percy called up the stairs. He frowned thoughtfully, and then collected McGonagall's requested supplies and returned to class.


Percy had never actually asked Penelope Clearwater out. Their relationship had simply happened, formed seemingly effortlessly from the dusty, stale air they breathed during their hours-long study sessions in the library. Penelope was smart, and pretty, and Ravenclaw in every glorious sense of the word. She had a sharp tongue and effortless wit and a pretty mouth, but Percy had always felt that she was little... fragile. She needed constant attention and Percy was always jumping through hoops trying to reassure her that he cared about her.

He didn't blame her, for needing so much attention. Even though their final year at Hogwarts was coming to a close, Penelope was still stuck on the traumatic events of last year. When she closed her eyes she saw a giant monster unhinging its jaw as it dove towards her to swallow her whole, spiders skittering quietly across shallow pools of water that had collected on the stone floors of Hogwarts.

Percy didn't really understand why she was still so upset. His sister Ginny had been even more of a victim than Penelope had been, and she--the resilient little thing--was fine. Dating, even! Percy spent long hours comparing and contrasting Penelope and Ginny, wondering how Ginny (six years Penelope's junior) could handle stress so much more effortlessly.

He came to the conclusion that it must simply be a Weasley thing. Weasleys had an awful (wonderful) habit of living in the present. After Ginny's encounter, she never looked back. She didn't let it scare her, and because it didn't scare her it didn't scare Percy or the rest of her family. But Penelope... she was always thinking about how things could have been different. She'd have moments of panic where she would mumble into Percy's shoulder about how she almost died and what if she had and oh, she doesn't know what to do anymore she can't stay in this place.

At their commencement ceremony, Percy and Penelope hugged briefly before Percy was pulled into a huge Gryffindor group hug by Oliver Wood.

He didn't look back.


Percy and Oliver stayed in touch after graduation. Although they were never the best of friends during school, they got along smashingly the few times a year they got together for drinks and catching up. At their latest rendezvous, Percy was elated to find out that Oliver had been signed to Puddlemere United as a Reserve Keeper. He congratulated him profusely, and was given a detailed description of the ins-and-outs of professional Quidditch. The childish glee in Oliver's voice had him grinning the whole time.

He told Oliver about his promotion in the Ministry of Magic--a position that had him working in constant contact with Cornelius Fudge--as modestly as he could, but no matter how angry his family was he was still damn proud of himself. Oliver smiled brilliantly and clapped him on the back, joking about how he always knew Percy would be the Minister of Magic one day.

The friendly banter continued on for a good hour as they picked through the remains of their food, before Oliver finally asked the question that Percy (worriedly) had known was coming: "So how's the family?"

Percy shrugged weakly as a million different thoughts flooded his brain, and Oliver continued: "I haven't heard from the twins in a while, but I heard their joke shop's making a killing..."

"Yeah, a killing," Percy agreed, keeping the more accurate word--slaughtering--safely in the confines of his mind. "But they're fine," Percy reassured him, very unassuredly, "They're all fine." He didn't want Oliver to know that he'd had a falling out with his family. He was too scared that Oliver would take their side; he had always been so much closer to the twins.

Oliver didn't look convinced or satisfied with Percy's answer--at all, but he dropped the subject and told Percy that he'd love to see him at the next Puddlemere game; he could get him great seats. Percy smiled and told him he'd try his best.

He was at every Puddlemere United game for the remainder of the season.


The first time Percy and Oliver kissed was awkward and clumsy, and not quite what Percy had been expecting when Oliver leaned in and brushed a lock of hair from Percy's face. His finger caught on Percy's worrisome glasses and knocked them off of his face, effectively ruining the moment--and although it had deterred Percy from the idea of any kissing going on that evening, it hadn't deterred Oliver. Mere seconds after Percy's glasses were once more secured on his face, Oliver clenched a big Quidditch hand on the back of his neck and kissed him sweetly and quickly.

Percy was stunned into speechlessness, but leaned against Oliver and didn't object when the hand on the back of his neck dropped to the small of his back. Oliver rested his chin on Percy's shoulder and sighed heavily, but didn't say anything either.

Percy's mind was buzzing--working overtime replaying those precious few moments in his head. Each time he thought through it, the kiss became more graceful and fluid and romantic.

After a long stretch of silence, Oliver finally asked, "Was that... all right with you?" Percy could hear the worry in his voice.

Another long stretch of silence passed as Percy thought about it. He came to the conclusion that it was more than all right with him, although he would like an opportunity to practice a little more. Both of them would gain from a little practice.

He told Oliver this and Oliver laughed loudly; it was the same laugh he had in school, carefree and light and uniquely Oliver.

They kissed again, more gracefully and fluidly and romantically than the first time. Percy couldn't stop laughing long enough to kiss after that, so Oliver brought him back to his apartment.

Percy found it impossible to fall asleep that night, and was practically dead at work the next morning... but he was okay with that.


Watching Fred's coffin being lowered into the ground was the most painful thing Percy had ever experienced in his life. It was worse than holding his brother in his arms while the life left him, worse than feeling his living breathing little brother become a limp, dead weight. Worse than hearing George screaming until his throat was raw, sobbing and beating his fists on the ground as the bloody wound on the side of his face made a complete mess of him.

Seeing the coffin being lowered just finalized it all. Fred was gone, and never would any of his family see him again until they were reunited in Heaven. Percy looked up at the pale blue sky and prayed that they would be reunited in Heaven. It's amazing what surviving a war can do for your spiritual life.

But despite Percy's newly rekindled faith in God, he felt a painful tightness in his chest. Oliver told him repeatedly that it was stress and that he needed to sleep, but Percy couldn't sleep and he got frustrated with Oliver because of it and Oliver had been sleeping on the couch for the past few days. Oliver was there, close but not close enough to be mistaken for part of the family. Percy was holding Ginny's hand and staring at George so he wouldn't have to look at that coffin.

George was unable to take his eyes off of it. Percy choked back a sob, at which his mother came over to him and patted his hair down and kissed him on the cheek as tears poured down her face.

Percy started crying, and then Ginny, and soon the rest of the Weasleys were. Fleur, holding Bill's hand with a painfully stoic look on her face, was the only member of the family who hadn't shed a tear. Harry and Hermione were standing near Oliver, crying quietly, and Oliver was wiping at his eyes with his sleeve in a vain attempt to hide his tears.

Percy let go of Ginny's hand and worked his way through the funerary crowd to Oliver, and broke down against Oliver's chest. The broader man wrapped his arms around Percy and held him close.

"I love you," Oliver whispered consolingly into Percy's ear. It didn't make Percy feel any better, but he clung desperately to Oliver until that coffin was completely buried under a mound of dirt.


Percy moved out of Oliver's apartment a few weeks later and into the flat above Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes--with George. Oliver was very understanding and if he was upset, it didn't show. In fact, he was over at the store almost every day. He and Percy ran the place while George... mourned. Since the Battle for Hogwarts, Oliver officially had no chance of a future in Quidditch. A curse had paralyzed his right arm, and Healers at St. Mungo's had yet to find an effective countercurse.

Percy had resigned (not resigned, quit) his job at the Ministry. For the time being his only plan was to keep the joke shop running until George decided whether or not he even wanted to keep it. Business was slow--Oliver and Percy didn't have the personalities to run a successful joke shop, but the few people who came in were very supportive of the business. They'd buy a few things (out of pity, Percy could tell--hard times seemed to do that to people) and tell Percy to please give their condolences to George. He would smile and say of course, but the smile never quite reached his eyes and the customers could tell.

That's when Percy decided that Oliver would be in charge of ringing up customers.

The months after the war were hard--the hardest Percy had ever lived through, but he woke up each morning with a little more hope than he'd woken up to the morning before. Sometimes he could make George smile a little, and those were the best days. Other times he and Oliver would spend the day quietly restocking and organizing the store at a relaxed pace and just... enjoying each others' company. Those were good days too.

Eventually, George returned to acting (somewhat) like himself. He politely explained that, although he really appreciated all of Percy's help, he needed to move back in with Oliver because he was a cockblock. Percy obliged happily, deciding that that day was the best yet.

For the first time, everything in Percy's life seemed to be balanced. His family (the Weasleys) and his family (Oliver)--hopefully soon to become one family, but he didn't want to rush anything; his job (up in the air, at the moment, but Percy didn't mind too much--Oliver was working as a Quidditch commentator for the very team he was no longer able to play for); and Percy himself. As per the typical Weasley, he had grabbed hold of this new (happy) life and never looked back, not for anything.

percy/oliver, fanfiction, one-shots, percy/penelope, harry potter

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